
Friday, September 01, 2017

Poetry Sisters Write Ekphrastic Poems

This month's challenge was to write a poem inspired by a photo Sara shared. She took it while staying at the Highlight Foundation retreat center near Honesdale, PA.
I had a tough time with this one. I started and abandoned numerous drafts. I put the picture away for a while, and then pulled it back out a few days ago. When I looked again, I found my way to a few new ideas. Here are my poems.


This small frayed basket holds
buttons, coins, small stones,
other ephemera
reminders of people, places,
events and experiences
a life in trinkets
each one a tiny TARDIS

Thread the string between your fingers
to bring back childhood
(though you can't play Cat's Cradle alone)

Hold tight the wooden nickel,
rubbed nearly smooth as you
remember Niagara's spray

Flick the top, watch it spin
then flip over to show
the Knoxville World's Fair logo

Balance the small stones from Tibet
into a mini cairn, as you dream
of Lhasa and the bluest sky

Grab the Wade turtle and duck,
set them by the saucer as you sip
your not Red Rose tea, toasting your grandmother

Worry the gray stone engraved
with the word PEACE
that no longer sits with the other
bits and bobs
but lives as a prayer in your pocket

Since the word wish figured so prominently in the image, I decided to try a triolet or two focused on wishes. Here are two untitled poems.

Wish Triolet 1

It’s absurd to wish upon a stone
that will weather, crack, and break
other rituals aren’t unknown
it’s absurd to wish upon a stone
instead blow out candles on your cake
let shooting stars keep you awake
It’s absurd to wish upon a stone
that will weather, crack, and break

Wish Triolet 2

Send your wish into the world
for love and truth and peace
on dandelions, blown and twirled
send your wish into the world
on stars your prayers release
or a fountain’s worth increase
Send your wish into the world
for love and truth and peace

Poems ©Tricia Stohr-Hunt, 2017. All rights reserved.

You can read the poems written by my poetry sisters at the links below. And Andi's back! She's back!
I do hope you'll take some time to check out all the wonderful poetic things being shared and collected today by Kathryn Apel. Happy poetry Friday friends.