
Friday, January 26, 2024

Poetry Sisters Write Ekphrastic Poems

Hello, and welcome to the first poetry sisters' exercise of 2024! This month the challenge was to write a poem to an image chosen from the work of piñata artist Roberto Benavidez. Sara sent us the link to his Hieronymus Bosch Piñatas as a starting point. There were so many to choose from! 

Normally, when faced with a monthly challenge, I research the subject, the form, the poet, or whatever else might relate to the topic. During our Zoom session on Sunday, I went down the rabbit hole into researching The Garden of Earthly Delights, the triptych by Bosch that inspired some of Benavidez's pieces. While it was interesting, it didn't help my writing AT ALL. I suppose research is antithetical to the form of ekphrastic poetry. Laura suggested I look at the image and write about what I saw and felt. I brainstormed a number of ideas, and then, since I'd decided to write in the triolet form, I took my notes and wrote a draft of a poem.

Here's the image that inspired my poem. 

Triolet for Roberto's Bosch Cat

orange tabby is on the prowl
loses all time in a garden
chasing fish and fowl
orange tabby is on the prowl
slinks past the rake and the trowel
never asks for leave or pardon
orange tabby is on the prowl
loses all time in a garden

Poem ©Tricia Stohr-Hunt, 2024. All rights reserved.

You can read my Poetry Sisters' work at the links below. 

    Would you like to try the next challenge? In February, we’re writing Epistolary poems in the form of love letters or Valentines. Are you in? Good! You have a month to craft your creation and share it on February 23rd in a post and/or on social media with the tag #PoetryPals. We look forward to reading your poems!  

    Please take some time to check out all the wonderful poetic things being shared and collected today by Susan Thomsen at Chicken Spaghetti. Happy poetry Friday, friends!