
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Impact of the Cover

I was thinking today about how much the cover of a book can entice a reader. Having spent an hour this morning just browsing at my local bookstore, I was drawn to a number of books based on the cover art. If I was moved by the title or art, I picked it up and read more.

Take a look at some of these categories of books in my teaching library and see if they don't raise your interest just a bit. If you get to the page and see the list view, click on cover view for a real treat.
Now, don't these images make you just want to run out and check out some of these titles at your local library or independent bookseller?


  1. Yes, covers definitely attract me too. I was sort of turned off by the cover to John Green's Looking for Alaska; it looked like a sort of book I wouldn't like.

    And then it turned out to completely rock.

  2. Your links don't work right if the reader happens to be already logged in to librarything -- I get my books with the relevant tag. Which is cool and all, but probably not what you had in mind. You need to use the "permanent link" thingummy at the bottom. Your is and mine is (we share three books! and you really ought to check out "Daisy 1, 2, 3" )

  3. Hi Elizabeth,
    Thanks for the hint. I have fixed the links, and I will definitely check out "Daisy, 1, 2, 3!

  4. Hi Heather,
    Interesting thought. It was actually the blown out candle that attracted me to Alaska. I loved it too!

  5. Just makes me realize I need to get back to LibraryThing and add more of my books! Maybe this summer.

  6. I like how you are sharing books lists from library thing. I want to do that too. See

  7. Cloudscome,
    Thanks for sharing! I love looking at the collections of others. One of these days I'll get around to rating my books!
