
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Happily Arrived!

Greetings from Taipei. I have been traveling for nearly 28 hours, but have finally arrived at the hotel. It is very warm and humid here. It's odd that it is dark now, as we chased the sunlight for most of the trip. It wasn't until we boarded the final plane in Tokyo that it finally began to get dark.

The bus ride from the airport to downtown Taipei could have been a trip from any American airport. The buildings and roads, cars and buses look the same. It was a bit unsettling to see Chinese characters on signs and billboards and to realize that I have no idea what they say.

We begin our adventures bright and early tomorrow morning with a full day. My roommate and I have already had one misadventure. We arrived in our room only to realize that we could not make the lights work. We finally called housekeeping and a lovely woman came up to our room to show us that the room key needed to be inserted in a slot in the wall in order for any of the electrical items to work. Since we're operating on very little sleep, we'd like to think that better rested we would have figured this out, but I'm not so sure.

I'm off to bed, but please someone, call Ed and let him know I arrived safely. Please also give him the address to this site. He's not sure how to get it. I hope he'll figure it out before this trip is over!

More tomorrow!

**P.S. - For all my blogging friends, imagine my surprise when I logged on to find that all the icons and helpful menu words are in Chinese! Posting should be quite an adventure.


  1. Enjoy yourself...and post some fabulous photos!

  2. glad you arrived safely! have so much fun!

  3. Glad you've arrived & so impressed with your post. Even though you're sleepy with travel, you manage to come up with the great phrase --
    as we chased the sunlight.

    Perhaps there's a poem there?

    Enjoy your adventures!

  4. Glad you got there safely. Enjoy!

    Thanks for uploading the photos!!!
