
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Poetry Stretch Results - List Poems

List poems seemed to inspire lots of folks to write this week. Here are some of the pieces.
Heather at 20's Going on Spinster with Cats shares the poem Let Me Hug You.

Cloudscome shares her To Do List over at a wrung sponge.

Bonnie Jacobs shares an untitled poem over at Words From a Wordsmith.

Over at Little Cool Shallows, Cath shares Comm: ment.

Terrell at Alone on a Limb pays homage to some of his favorite bloggers with It's a Stretch.

Elaine at Wild Rose Reader has a fun little list poem entitled Backpack.

I wrote a list poem about my Mom.
I would also like to point you to some very fine lunes written by Elaine at Wild Rose Reader. She may be a week behind, but these pieces were worth the wait.


  1. I have posted the results of my effort at a list poem... though it morphed into something else before I finished. I listed some of my fellow bloggers and began to write lines about them. Then a pair of lines up and rhymed with each other and I was lost. The rhymes took over forcing their way from the center out both ways before I was through.

  2. Tricia,

    Thanks for the link to my "luney" post. I did post a list poem entitled "Backpack" today at Wild Rose Reader. It's a back-to-school poem for young children.

  3. Tricia, you should go read this list poem:
