
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How Diversity Helps Literacy

Thanks to Don Tate, I had the chance to mull over the ideas in How Diversity Helps Literacy, an informational piece over at Lee & Low Books. It's very interesting. Do head on over and take a look.


  1. Interesting article--thanks for the link!

  2. Great article! We are reviewing the diversity of our library and see that we are very week on Spanish/Hispanic/Latino/a books. I sent this article to our other librarians. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

  3. Tricia, you said, "Our report for national accreditation ... must be in by October 18," so I hope you have it finished now. If so, please come help us choose books for November and December to discuss among the book buddies. We need more reading suggestions, so think of a book or two or three from your TBR pile and add it to the list:

  4. We are now voting for the December book choice, which includes Cold Comfort Farm, which you nominated. Want to come vote?
