
Monday, October 08, 2007

I'm Back, I'm Tired, I'm Happy

I had a fabulous, wonderful, amazing time in Chicago and have now returned to a mountain of work. I promise I'll write all about my experience meeting so many terrific authors, bloggers, teachers, librarians, podcasters and oh so many more wonderful folks very soon. Until then, take a look at the picture of most of our group. You can mouse over the faces and see who came and where they make their home on the web.
Until I get back, you can read what these folks had to say about our 1st Annual conference. Will I be able to add anything new? I hope so.
Sorry you missed out? Don't be. You can join us next year in . . . click here to find out!


  1. I like it that one can mouse-over the faces to see who's who.

    I'm thrilled that the conference is going to be in Portland, OR next year. I live in Seattle, and that will be a 3 hour drive for me. I just really hope other people can make it. It's a 5 1/2 hour plane ride across the country.

  2. Great to meet you, Tricia! Hope to see you next year!

    (there's a cute pic of you sitting on the floor on my blog!)

  3. Reading the post about the Chicago conference is not exactly like being there, but I am enjoying the tales and photos. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks again for redeeming my breakfast. ;)

    And I'm so excited that you've joined SCBWI.

  5. It was great to finally meet you, Tricia. I'm sorry we didn't get to talk more (so many sessions in such a short time), but I hope that you'll make it again next year. I certainly intend to.

  6. It was really nice to meet you, Tricia! I really enjoyed talking with you! I hope I get to see you again next year!

  7. So glad I got to meet you in person, even if I didn't win the John Green books - or the Pigeon shirt. ;^)
