
Monday, January 14, 2008

Book Awards Galore!

For the second year in a row, the live webcast from ALA midwinter was a bust. Perhaps there is just too much traffic for the server, but once again I was left out in the cold. However, I was saved by the amazing Tasha Saecker at KidsLit who posted from ALA as it was happening! Head over to her blog to learn the winners. I won't spoil it for you here, as some of these are terrific surprises. But here are a few clues.
  • The Newbery was won by a librarian again this year.
  • Mo Willems and Peter Sis each won TWO awards, though Mo won for different books.
  • All those mock Newbery committees pretty much picked the four titles that won medals or honors, but not necessarily the correct winner.
Okay, go now and have a look. Many of my favorite Cybils finalists are on these lists.


  1. I actually got the webcast to work--how, I don't know. Just an audio feed and slides of the winners, but that's all I wanted. Wow! That was fun to listen to! I've already posted my reaction to the Printz award at my blog.

  2. I got on the webcast too, but I never saw the slides. I saw the speakers and heard the audience in the background, which was fun. Of course, when I went to close it, I crashed Blogger with my entry to that point. Very annoying.

    Some interesting results, and as you said somewhere Tricia, a great day for poetry. That's for sure.

    (Not a bad day for Mo either.)
