
Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Blog? Absolutely. Now if I Only Had a Name ... CONTEST!

Yes, you read that right. I am about to launch another blog. Back in November I wrote about planning for the spring semester and an iPod grant I was pursuing. I found out just before the end of finals that I was awarded the grant! HURRAY! While I try to contain my excitement over my new 80GB video iPod, I must begin the real work of preparing for this new addition to my class.

I am currently writing a series of lectures that I will record and upload to the new blog for my students (and anyone else interested). They will explore the development of mathematical understanding and ask listeners to consider how children come to learn math. In addition to the podcasts, I will be writing about ideas for teaching math. One major focus will be the use of children's literature as a means to increase student motivation for learning math, provide interesting introductions to mathematical topics, and make learning fun.

My students will be contributing podcasts that highlight children's books for use in teaching mathematics. They will do a little booktalking, describe some ways the book can be used in instruction, and provide related titles.

If this experiment works, I will continue the blog into the fall and add science and social studies to the mix.

So, here's what I need from you. I need a title. ASAP! Since you folks in the kidlitosphere are so clever and creative, I'm going to hold a little contest. I have two gift certificates here in my hot little hands, one for Starbucks ($10) and one for Barnes and Noble ($10). To the victor goes the spoils. Leave your title ideas for a blog about using books across the curriculum (in math, science and social studies) and I'll send both gift certificates to the winner. Put your thinking caps on. Ready? Set. Go!


  1. Tricia,
    I'm sure you've already included this, but when I teach about trade book that connect with content, I always talk about incorrect information in trade books and how teachers must actively evaluate the content even if it's written by a well respected author. You could include one podcast on how to evaluate nonfiction (math trade books in particular) and give examples. Students could be required to include evaluation information in their podcasts.

  2. Tricia,
    blog title 1 = Real Books
    subtitle= Using Books Across the Curriculum

    blog title 2 = Read!
    subtitle= Using Books Across the Curriculum

    Neither title shows up in Google

    :-) Anastasia

  3. Use Books


    Kids Use Books

  4. Making Sense of Our World
    Subtitle - The development of mathematical thinking in children and ideas for teaching math to our students including ways to incorporate literature.

    Understanding Our World
    Subtitle - same

    I was trying to think of a title that science and social studies would fall under as well.

    I am looking forward to your new blog and being able to learn from it!

  5. Holy cow! You go girl!

    I'll try to think of a name that - the way I read it - incorporates math and books and podcasts?

  6. I don't have any suggestions for the title, but I wanted to leave props for you on the grant! It sounds like an awesome project, just the sort of thing I'd enjoy. What I hated about math when I was in elementary/high school were the endless worksheets of problems that didn't seem to me to be connected to anything real. Had something like the Greg Tang books been available in my day, though, I would have loved them.

  7. Since you have such a fabulous name for Miss Rumphius, how about taking something from that Carl Sandburg poem today?

    Here are a few phrases for ideas:

    1.half a bushel
    2.heart arithmetic?
    3.the way the wind measures
    4.the way the wind measures the weather
    5.a million bushels

    Keep playing around with it...

  8. Hey, how about Book Me a Voyage By Book?

    It's from a poem by J. Patrick Lewis.

  9. I don't think I'm anywhere near smart enough to participate in this contest but WAHOO to you for the grant and the plan. I wish you'd been my math teacher. Or that you'd taught my math teachers. That's what I wish.
    How 'bout Bookcasting cross curriculum?

  10. I agree with Liz. It would have been lovely to have a math teacher like you. I did get to student teach with a teacher like you at least. She helped me get rid of my fear of teaching math. I now love the challenge.

  11. Oh, okay, here are my answers about your new blog.


    Jules, 7-Imp

  12. re using children's literature as a means of introducing math topics--I was just listening to Madeline L'Engle reading Wrinkle in Time, and was struck anew by her cogent definitions of the various dimentions....

    Good luck with the podcasting! It sounds most interesting.
