
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Poetry Stretch Results - Modified Cento

Inspired by the spate of book awards and "best of" lists announced recently, I thought it might be fun to write some centos using book titles. Here's what the creative people came up with this week.
cloudscome over at a wrung sponge gives us a cento inspired by the Cybils finalists. It is called Short List.

Laura Purdie Salas
has poetry on the brain, so she used titles from poetry books. It's titled Why I'm Crazy.

Elaine at Wild Rose Reader has written two centos using titles of poetry books. The first is a lovely little haiku. The second is a poetry invitation.

Sara Lewis Holmes at Read*Write*Believe is thinking about her pile of books to be read. Her cento, An Alphabetized, Prognosticating Cento of Fortuitous Couplets, is meant to organize this pile. Good luck with that, Sara!

MotherReader also gives us a list of upcoming reads in her cento.

Susan at Wizards Wireless takes us on a walk back through 70 years of the Caldecott medal winners with her cento (story).

I was inspired by some of my favorite books to write a poem entitled Nobody's Fool.
It's not too late if you still want to play. Read the directions here. Then leave a comment and I'll add your cento to the list.


  1. Tricia,
    What a great idea! I wrote a post using the titles of all the Caldecott winners in chronological order. It started out as a poem, but I think it turned into a story.

  2. What a great collection of Centos! I am wondering if you entered this post in the Book Awards Carnival? If not I might put my Cento poem post in... unless I can come up with a creative new award to pass out...

  3. But it's better if you put this post in the carnival Trisha, so all the poems are linked together. How about it?

  4. Sounds like a good idea, since so many folks picked award winners. I'll mention it to Susan!

  5. Tricia,

    I wrote two centos using the titles of children's poetry books. It was fun!

  6. Here's mine with some 2007 books I want to read in 2008.
