
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Poetry Stretch Results - Apostrophe

This week's challenge was to write a poem that directly addressed someone or something. Here's what was shared.
Noah the Great addressed the sea in Interviewing the Ocean.

Tiel Aisha Ansari at Knocking From Inside is back (we've missed you!) with To Whomever Abandoned a Pot of Zinnia Seedlings on Our Porch Steps.

cloudscome at a wrung sponge wrote a lovely sonnet for her grandmother.

Diane Davis was thinking politics when she wrote Election Race.

Daisybug at Things that make me say... addresses that thing attempting to take over her garden in Exiled Wisteria.

Mad Kane is in with an apostrophe in the form of a limerick, called Ode to a New York City Walk Signal.

Marianne Neilsen at Doing the Wrie Thing! gives us a poem entitled To My Self-Motivation.

sister AE at Having Writ is thinking of her spreadsheet in her poem, Caged.

Laura Purdie Salas is also thinking computers and gives us To My Backup Disk.
Speaking of Laura, I couldn't get the image from this week's 15 words or less challenge out of my head, so my poem is to that tree, and the one like it in my front yard.
To the Winter Tree
Pardon me
oh giant one,
with your bony limbs
stretched skyward.

I stop
beneath your boughs
each day,
hungry for
a sign,
just a hint
of change.

Tell me,
When will you
throw off
the mantle
of winter
and embrace
the gown of spring?
It's not too late to play. Write your own apostrophe and leave me a comment. Then I'll add your piece to the list.


  1. me, too, please. Here is mine:

  2. A kid just such a poem for one of my recent Qwikpick Instant Poetry contests. If you've read Qwikpick, you may be able to guess what the subject is.

  3. Lovely tree poem. I too find trees always inspiring. Thanks for the round up.
