
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Poetry Stretch Results - Rhyming Chant

This week I challenged folks to write rhyming chants. What fun! Here's what has been shared so far.
Mary Lee at A Year of Reading (the creator of this challenge) gives us a chant about home, entitled The Solace of Open Places or It's Not the End of the Earth, But You Can See it From Here.

You know I love any post that includes the words "a poem for Miss Rumphius." Sam Riddleburger is in with an Empire Strikes Back poem (just for me!).

Diane Davis was not only thinking lines and meter, but lines, color, shape and more in her poem, An Art Lesson.

Madelyn Ruth joins us with a tribute to the Carter family. (Now I must go dig out some CDs and listen!)

Daisybug at Things That make me say ... basks in the glow of a day off and gives us a rhyming chant called Snow Day.

sister AE at Having Writ went to the kitchen for inspiration and gives us Searching My Spice Rack.

Beth at Endless Books joins us for the first time with a chant inspired by Harry Potter.
I've been working on several different chants. This one highlights some of my favorite animals. When you say it (sing it?) think in the rhythm of the William Tell overture (not too fast and with feeling). Here we go.
African Mammal Chant
Elephant, rhinocerous
pygmy hippopotamus
mongoose, leopard, impala
mountain gorilla

Eland, puku, bontebok
zebra, cheetah, bat-eared fox
ring-tailed lemur, bushbaby
kudu and lechwe

Antelope, red hartebeest
serval, camel, wildebeest
baboon, eland, tsessebe
colobus monkey

Meerkat, gemsbok, nyala
giraffe, warthog, hyena
aardvark, aardwolf, pangolin
oribi and lion

On safari, at the zoo,
in some books you'll find them too.
Every color, shape and size,
beauties before your eyes.

If you haven't heard of some of these animals, you can learn more about them at the Southern African Mammals Guide.
It's not too late if you still want to play. Write your rhyming chant and leave me a comment, then I'll add your poem to the list.


  1. Did you forget mine, or did I do it wrong? I wrote the first stanza as a rhyming chant and the other two to explain what the words in the first stanza were about.
    It's about elements and principles of art and you can see it at

  2. I think I stretched the rules of your stretch, but your challenge got me to update my blog in time for poetry Friday... You can see my poem at

  3. Sorry, Diane! I don't know how I missed your comment. You're in!

  4. Love your chant. The rhythm is fantastic.

    I am just swamped this time to chant:>/ But I've enjoyed reading other peoples'!

    Hope to be back in next week.

  5. I'm a bit late to the game this week, but I'm proud of what I came up with.

  6. Just discovered your blog not long ago and have been enjoying it! I also enjoyed the rhythm chant challenge. Mine's got a Harry Potter theme:
