
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Poetry Stretch Results - Kyrielle

The challenge issued this week was to write in the form of a kyrielle. A few brave writers accepted it. Here's what they came up with.
Daisybug at Things that make me say... shares a poem entitled The More You Relax, The More You Feel.

cloudscome at a wrung sponge gives us a poem entitled First the Flower, Then the Leaf.

sister AE at Having Writ shares a Passover Kyrielle.

Pam Olson at Amputated Moon gives us the poem A Waiting Place. Welcome, Pam!
This was a difficult assignment for me. Having just spent a great deal of time thinking in iambic pentameter, I found limiting myself to eight syllables to be very tough indeed! I did somehow manage to muddle through. Here's my offering.
Waking the Sun
We listen in the darkness still,
for rustling leaves and pecking bill,
to nudge, to prod, yet then implore,
the Sun to wake, to smile once more.

In sleepy barnyards stretching legs,
one handsome rooster crows and begs
a sleepy farmer rise for chores,
and Sun to wake, to smile once more.

Nocturnal prowlers head to bed,
all knowing what soon lies ahead,
when nighttime's blanket hits the floor,
the Sun will wake and smile once more.

Will steaming coffee stir her smile
and make her rise to stay a while?
Or shall we open morning's door
to make Sun wake and smile once more?

This story old replays each day,
no matter what our disarray.
Just as the tide will rush to shore,
the Sun will wake and smile once more.
It's not too late if you still want to play. Leave me a note about your poem and I'll add it to the list.


  1. Hi, Tricia,

    I came up with one:

    I found the iambic tetrameter ever so much easier than iambic pentameter. Perhaps its sing-songiness is easier for my tired brain to latch onto tonight?

  2. Yours is very nice, Trish. I always like to be reminded that time passes so consistently and with such predictable rhythm. :)

  3. Here is mine: A Waiting Place.

    I just discovered your blog. Nice.

  4. Now that I've had time to properly read yours, Tricia, I have to say I love it! And how can the sun stay down with all those efforts to make her fly?

  5. This is very nice Trisha! I have to smile myself that we were both thinking about the sun and time...

    I like the way you used sound (rustling, pecking, rooster crows, blanket hits the floor, door opens, tide rushes to shore) to show movement from night to day. The pace is both slow and exciting.
