
Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday Poetry Stretch - Six Words

After a horrible, no good, very bad week, I'm back in the poetry spirit and ready to write. I thought it might be fun to try another six word challenge. This idea comes from the book I Am Writing a Poem About . . . A Game of Poetry, in which Myra Cohn Livingston wrote about three of the assignments she gave to students in her master class in poetry at UCLA. One of these assignments was to write a six-word-based poem.

Your job this week is to write a poem that contains the five words sky, knot, fork, wall, and rose, as well as either trumpet or bullet as the sixth word. Leave me a comment about your poem and I will post the results here later this week.


  1. I tried the stretch and was surprised

    A wall leans against the sky
    A single rose wilts
    A trumpet weeps
    A knot strangles my heart
    … an unwanted fork in my road
    - amy

  2. With six words, it's hard to avoid a sestina: Trumpet Rose

  3. Ooh, Amy, love the knot strangling your heart. Powerful!

    I'm in at

  4. OK, I decided to do another one. I wanted to do a non-nature one, to go against the grain of sky, rose, and knot...which all made me think outside. I'm not posting this one, but it's today's daily poem:

    screams struggle in tangled knot
    bullet escapes

    forks left

    wall of relief holds the sky
    keeps it from falling


    Thanks, Tricia. I love these poetry stretches.

  5. These are great. I like this kind of challenge. It does call to mind the sestina form... hmmmm.
