
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Punched in the Gut

You know that feeling you get when you hear dreadful news? Your heart sinks into your shoes, your chest tightens, and you can't get your breath. It's what I imagine being punched in the gut feels like. Or reading negative reviews of your book and not being able to turn away.

Well, it's happened to me. It's been almost two days. I can't breathe. Can't sleep. And. . . I can't tell you why. But, I need to talk about it before it drives me insane. Oh, you'll hear about it soon enough. On Thursday, June 26th, to be exact. You see, a report is coming out then that says *** has received a failing grade on all measures in preparing *** to ***. This is something near and dear to my professional heart. It's something I pour my heart and soul into. It's something that has received a surface-level examination by outsiders and been judged to be inadequate. I can't imagine what the press will do with this. It's not going to be pretty.

So, you can see why my heart feels like it's been in a vice. I hope you'll stick with me as I try to work through this. Thanks for listening.


  1. Oh no. I'm with you, Tricia!

  2. Ow. Especially having to keep it inside. Just ow.

    Hugs to you.

  3. I will keep you in my thoughts, Tricia.

    By the way, I think of "The Miss Rumphius Effect" when I pass by the lupine in the front yard. It's almost in full-bloom now.

  4. I really hope that "surface level" examination gets revisited--I'm thinking of you, hoping for the best.

  5. Sorry you're going through this. Sending hugs and lots of support!

  6. Tricia,

    My thoughts are with you. I hope everything will turn out well in the end.

  7. Oh my. I'm so sorry you have to go this. May there be a silver lining.

  8. Here and waiting with virtual hugs...

  9. Oh Tricia, I'm so so sorry.

  10. While I don't pretend to have any idea what you are talking about - I hate that you are feeling this way! :( Hugs to you!

  11. Thinking of you!

  12. Hang in there Tricia. This too will pass. We know the great work you do on TMRE and OWLI -- we can see the heart and soul you put into your work. Folk'll see that in the long-run, I betcha. Anyway, we'll holler your praises from the Limb!

  13. I work for a public school district; I know what it's like. Hang in there.

  14. I hate that this is happening to you, Dr. Stohr. You are an amazing professor, and I learned SO much from you. Do not let this get you down... If I can do anything, PLEASE let me know. You are AMAZING. The program was AWESOME. You have really helped us to become successful teachers. I know that won't really help, but I do know that I support you 100 percent!

  15. I'm so sorry, Tricia! Sending good thoughts...
