
Friday, October 31, 2008

Have You Read THIS?

Have you read Colleen Mondor's Blog the Vote post? If not, get thee to Chasing Ray. It's all about teaching and making a difference--precisely the kind of story I love. You'll love it as well.

If you want to read more about this Blog the Vote event, read the stunning piece entitled Faces in the Crowd.

Since I can't comment there (I just don't want to register for yet another site), I'm doing it here. Bravo, Colleen! Thanks for sharing your story and wisdom.



  1. Thanks for the support Tricia - and I'm sorry about the commenting hurdles at my site. I just have the biggest spam problem...sigh.

    Teaching was an amazing job and I'll never forget those students.

  2. Colleen,
    I understand completely. My WordPress blog catches at least 10-15 nasty SPAM a day.

    No worries. I just wanted you to know how amazing I thought your post was.

  3. Hi. I teach 4th grade here in Madison, Indiana. I spent a good amount of time browsing your site. Thanks for your words. My site has many issues like yours. I hope to come back soon and read more. Have a good day.
