
Friday, October 17, 2008

Poetry Friday - Autumn Movement

It's been eighty degrees here nearly every day this week. I am dreaming of fall and hoping it comes soon. To encourage fall to show it's colors, I've been reading Frost, Dickinson and Sandburg. Today I'm sharing a piece by Sandburg.
Autumn Movement
by Carl Sandburg

I cried over beautiful things knowing no beautiful thing lasts.

The field of cornflower yellow is a scarf at the neck of the copper sunburned woman, the mother of the year, the taker of seeds.

The northwest wind comes and the yellow is torn full of holes, new beautiful things come in the first spit of snow on the northwest wind, and the old things go, not one lasts.
The round up this week is being hosted by Becky at Becky's Book Reviews. Be sure to stop by and check out all the great poetry being shared this week. Happy poetry Friday, all!


  1. Oh, I like that one! Our leaves are just starting to change up here. It's been warm, but I love the blue skies.

  2. Thanks for sharing this. I haven't sat down with Sandburg in awhile, and he's one of my favorites.

  3. Ah, I adore Sandburg. Why didn't they have us read some of these in school?

  4. Mmmm....snow...I can't wait!

  5. Mmm that is so lovely. Thanks!

    I think it's going to be colder this weekend. The wind is from the North...

  6. We're having a perfect fall this last week or so--sunny, cool days; lots of color; apples, apples, apples. I deeply love this time of year.
