
Friday, October 10, 2008

Poetry Friday Book Review - My Letter to the World and Other Poems

A few weeks ago when I hosted Poetry Friday I shared a short poem by Dickinson. Kelly Fineman left a comment about it in which she said, "I've been on an Emily kick myself lately - I honestly think it's the fall weather that does it, since I binged on her about this time last year, too." Binge indeed. I seem to be reading Emily at every turn, and somehow, just like Robert Frost, she feels right for fall. So today, I thought I'd share my review of the book My Letter to the World and Other Poems, the newest book in the Visions in Poetry series from Kids Can Press.

Here is a description of the series.
Visions in Poetry is an innovative and award-winning series of classic poems reinterpreted for today’s readers by outstanding contemporary artists in distinctively beautiful editions.


  1. This looks like a great one for our library too. Thanks!

  2. This book looks wonderful. Thanks for the review!!

  3. Isn't this a beautiful book?!?!

  4. Thanks, Tricia. This is a such a well-written and detailed review---it makes me want to have a copy of the book in my hands right now!
