
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Poetry Stretch Results - Abecedarian Poems

The challenge this week was to write an abecedarian poem, or one in which the verses or words begin with successive letters of the alphabet. I have only one entry today, but it's a great one.
Teil Aisha Ansari at Knocking From Inside shares a reverse abecedarian entitled Copy Editor's Rant.
Between workshops for teachers, my own classes, and a conference this week, I did not write much. What I did keep coming back to was the notion of fall. Nearly every day last week we had temperatures above 80 degrees, so my dreams are filled with falling leaves and cool days, even if real life isn't full of them yet. Here's the piece I'm still working on.
Autumn leaves
Brightly colored
Down to
Earth --

Flocks of
Honk and fly
In their
Journey southward,
Keen to
Nature’s chilly
Overtures behind.
It's not too late if you still want to play. Leave me a comment about your poem and I'll it to the very short list above!

1 comment:

  1. I´ve not had the time to produce anyhing new, I´m afraid, but here´s an older abecedarius that I´m very proud of... among other tricks, it´s alliterative too!

    Aphrodite Abandoned
