
Friday, January 09, 2009

2009 AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize Finalists

Now that I am reviewing books for my very own list on the best in science from 2008, I'm finding many of the titles nominated for a variety of awards. Today I thought I would bring to your attention the finalists for the 2009 AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books. This prize "celebrates outstanding science writing and illustration for children and young adults."

Children's Science Picture Book
written by Marilyn Singer and illustrated by Emma Stevenson
(nominee for 2008 Cybils nonfiction picture book)

Sisters and Brothers: Sibling Relationships in the Animal World
written by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page, illustrated by Steve Jenkins
(nominee for 2008 Cybils nonfiction picture book)

Nic Bishop Spiders
written and photographed by Nic Bishop
(Sibert Honor book for 2008)

written by Sneed B. Collard, III and illustrated by Robin Brickman

The Wolves are Back
written by Jean Craighead George and illustrated by Wendell Minor

Middle Grades Science Book

Cold Light: Creatures, Discoveries, and Inventions that Glow
written by Anita Sitarski

George Washington Carver
written by Tonya Bolden
(nominee for 2008 Cybils nonfiction MG/YA book)

How We Know What We Know About Our Changing Climate: Scientists and Kids Explore Global Warming
written by Lynne Cherry and Gary Braasch

Life on Earth--and Beyond: an Astrobiologist's Quest
written by Pamela S. Turner

What's Eating You?: Parasites-the Inside Story
written by Nicola Davies and illustrated by Neal Layton
(nominee for 2007 Cybils nonfiction MG/YA book)

Young Adult Science Book
Dinosaurs: The Most Complete- Up-To-Date Encyclopedia for Dinosaur Lovers of All Ages
Thomas R. Holtz and illustrated by Luis V. Rey

The Scent of Desire: Discovering Our Enigmatic Sense of Smell
written by Rachel Herz

The Telephone Gambit: Chasing Alexander Graham Bell's Secret
written by Seth Shulman

Welcome to Your Brain: Why You Lose Your Car Keys But Never Forget How to Drive and Other Puzzles of Everyday Life
written by Sandra Aamodt and Sam Wang

Hands-on Science Book
written by Jinny Johnson

The Brook Book
written and illustrated by Jim Arnosky

Sound Projects with a Music Lab You Can Build
written by Robert Gardner

True Green Kids: 100 Things You Can Do to Save the Planet
written by Rior McKay and Jenny Bonnin

The Ultimate Guide to Your Microscope
written by Shar Levine and Leslie Johnstone

There are many terrific titles here, along with a few I haven't seen. While waiting for the winners to be announced, I'll be reading through these and making my best guess about the outcome. Won't you join me?


  1. Tricia,

    Looks like some fine selections. I love good nonfiction--for both kids and adults.

  2. Ooohh I am excited to check out some of these titles. One of my goals for this year is to read more non-fiction to my daughter.
