
Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby!

My boy is 8 today. Eight! It hardly seems possible. Where has the time gone?

He was 20 pounds at 4 months, so in addition to suffering from sleep deprivation, my back was killing me. I cannot, however, complain about any of it. He is a happy kid with a big heart and a ready smile.
Happy Birthday William!


  1. Happy birthday William!

    My daughter just turned 10 last week. I know what you mean about time...


  2. Isnt he a heart-throb, Tell him Happy Birthday for me. My daughter will be turning 9 in April, wow how the years have flown.

  3. Happy Birthday William! If you are ever in Rhode Island, you are welcome to come over for a play date with my own 8 year old boy!

  4. Happy Birthday to William, who has good taste in the day he was born!

  5. What a cutie! Happy Birthday to William!!

  6. Happy Birthday to both of you! I'm guessing that William got a stack of good books for his birthday!! Lucky boy!

  7. Tricia,

    Happy 8th Birthday to William! Our children grow up SO fast. My Sara turned 29 last Thursday. It's such fun to watch our kids grow and change and experience life. I hope William has a great birthday!

    P.S. Sara got engaged on Saturday! My baby will be getting married next year.

  8. Happy Birthday to both of you! He is such a handsome young man.

    And congratulations Elaine!
