
Sunday, February 08, 2009

Poetry Stretch Results - Diminishing Rhyme

The challenge this week was to write a poem with a diminishing rhyme. Here's what folks have shared.
Jane Yolen left this poem in the comments.
    A Poem About Art

    I pick my pen up, then I start,
    Should I be gentle, or be tart
    In my art?

    Some words come fast, some come slow,
    Some are LOUD and some are low,
    Some I still ow.

    But when at last the thing is done,
    And when at last pjs I don
    This last I do—

    Set pen and paper near at hand,
    Should dreams bring further poems and
    Art does not (e)nd.
Jacqueline left this poem in the comments.
    I write this poem as Jacqueline
    with a mind that's sharply aquiline,
    my thoughts soar high and then align
    transposed on paper line by line
    using of my brain each atom and ion.

    Others ideas I must not pirate!
    for it would make them rather irate.
    Instead I battle with feeling second rate
    until seeing through the eyes of one whose eight.
Lisa Chellman from under the covers wrote a poem entitled Lunatic's Lullaby.

Tess at Written for Children also left a poem in the comments.
    The heart is clever.
    Love’s art never turns from gold to rust,
    When one’s beloved turns to dust.
    The balm that lifts the lever and gives wing,
    Is belief that together, two hearts will ever sing.
    Through its own device
    --here and after --
    One loves twice.
As for me, my writing this week was a bust. I worked with the diminishing rhymes of scat/cat/at, charm/harm/arm, spin/pin/in, and tries/rise/eyes and came up with a bunch of junk. I'll keep working at it and if by some chance I'm hit by a sudden stroke of literary genius, I will most definitely share.

It's not too late if you still want to play. Leave me a comment about your poem and I'll add it to the list.


  1. Last lingering days of September.
    Stoke the fire, enjoy every ember.
    Soon comes October,November,Decem- brr

  2. See, this is why I love your work! The word play is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Let's raise our glasses--clink!
    To the great irreduceable link--
    That of art and paper and ink.

  4. Ah - I've finally come up with something. A week late, but here it is:

    "Love was easy. Many recommended

    me. I was praised, I was commended

    for my durability, that is,I mended

    fast and often. To mend

    is a fine skill, all the broken men

    told me."

    That doesn't always subtract things from the beginning of the word - it shifts midway to subtracting from the end. But I like the sequence anyway. Not sure the format will hold.

  5. Loved reading all of these final synergized "comments." These really shine.
