
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Poetry Stretch Results - Anaphora

The challenge this week was to write a poem using anaphora, or "the repetition of the same word or phrase in several successive clauses." Here are the results.
Candace Ryan at Book, Booker, Bookest left this poem in the comments.

    Ups 'n downs
    Always come up
    When climbing
    Up a mountain.

    Up the ante
    And you'll find
    An up day makes
    Your frown end.
Kim Kasch at A Writer's Blog also left a poem in the comments.

    Alone I stood - bitter and cold,
    Alone on the sidelines-growing old,
    With you, my life was changed.
    With you my life was rearranged.

    You looked at me, with a dazzling smile.
    I looked at you, at the end of the aisle.
    So many hopes, so many dreams
    in my heart that fateful day.
    Symbolized by a simple bouquet.

    We’d planned to walk together,
    in this journey called life -
    you as my husband
    me as your wife.

    But as we watched love bloom and grow
    we were to young
    we didn’t know
    happiness comes with a cost
    Time was precious, love was lost.

    Alone again – bitter and cold
    Alone this time – ‘til I grow old
Jacqueline at Neverending story wrote a poem entitled At this moment.

Jone at Deo Writer shares a poem about spring.

Jone's back, this time wearing her teacher hat, and sharing some poems written by her students.
I wrote two poems for the challenge this week. The first is A Soldier's Kid and was one I wrote for the Peace Project Laura Purdie Salas described on her blog. The second is Jim Crow Song, 1954.

It's not too late if you still want to play. Leave me a comment about your poem and I'll add it to the list.

1 comment:

  1. I have an orgignal here (part of meodeling for poetry club):
    and for school:
    Love doing the stretches. Actually have written more than usual this week.
