
Monday, April 27, 2009

Book Buying Fever (And a Giveaway or Two!)

Yesterday I went to Barnes and Noble with William and a good friend. (Our favorite children's bookstore was closed! What's a reader to do?!) I left with many books. Too many! My friend just shook her head and told me I have a sickness. I did try to rationalize the purchases (you're surprised?) saying that most came from the bargain shelf or the 50% off table.

I am drawn to the sale table largely because I find something very sad about remaindered books. I wonder if authors feel this way when they see the pieces they've worked so hard to bring to market moved into this arena. When I find great books in such places, I rescue them and save them for workshops, school visits, or gifts for teacher friends. Today I'm giving them away to celebrate National Poetry Month!
I rescued TWO copies of the fabulous book Stella, Unleashed: Notes From the Doghouse, written by Linda Ashman and illustrated by Paul Meisel. I want to pass them on to homes or classrooms where they'll receive lots of attention and become dog-eared because they've been loved so much. Leave me a note about what you love most about DOGS (sorry all you cat lovers) and I'll enter you in the drawing to win. You have until midnight on Wednesday (April 29) to enter.


  1. I love their presence and companionship. Right now mine is sitting next to me resting.

  2. Their unconditional love is what I most admire about dogs.

  3. What I love most about our dog, Eli, is that he gets so excited about everything. He reminds me that there is a great amount of joy in the world. He's a cocker spaniel so he has a nub of a tail and when he gets excited his tail shakes which makes his whole body shake - we call him the rumpshaker. He reminds me to take life a bit less seriously than I am apt to do.


  4. I love their varied personalities and looks. Just like their human owners in that respect.

  5. Dogs are matter what!!!
    My class would love this book. I promise!!!!


  6. I like that dogs can be either lazy or energetic. If you're lucky, your mood will match the dog's! :-)

  7. I love dogs' unbridled optimism, their deep loyalty, and their grins. I also love the fact that even an old dog can sometimes forget he's old and begin to act like a puppy again!

  8. I love my dog's ability to tell me exactly what she needs just by the expression in her eyes... it shows that words aren't necessary for communicating 100% of the time. Between that and having a constant companion with my little Jack Russell, I can't imagine ever not having a dog!

  9. I love their playfulness and when you are sad they give you love
