
Monday, April 27, 2009

Poetry Month is Winding Down

I can hardly believe it, but April is nearly over. I honestly didn't think I'd make it. It has been a lot of work, but I have had SO MUCH FUN and learned a great deal.

There are three days left and three Poetry Makers still to come--Douglas Florian, Mary Ann Hoberman, and Pat Mora.

On the 30th we'll be celebrating Día (El día de los niños/El día de los libros (Children's Day/Book Day).

We'll also be celebrating the second national Poem in Your Pocket day. What will you be carrying in your pocket? After long deliberation I've decided to carry W.S. Merwin's poem "Just Now."


  1. Wonderful choice. I got so involved in preparing for the fundraiser for Bridget I spaced on "Poem Pocket Day"

  2. There are not words to express how much richer my April has been because of the day-by-day revelation of your Super Secret Poetry Project. The poets you have featured, every single one, have felt like honored guests in my classroom. I love throwing in something about a poet's writing process after I share their poetry. ("Mrs. Campbell, do you know all of these poets?") Your generosity and the generosity of the participating poets, have made Poetry Month a true celebration in my classroom. My third graders have been invited into the world of poetry and it is now a world they call their own.

    The Poem in my Pocket will be the first verse of the The Fairies
    By William Allingham. 1824–1889
