
Monday, June 01, 2009

Monday Poetry Stretch - Food Glorious Food!

We're coming upon the time of year when I could eat a tomato sandwich for lunch every day and be perfectly happy. My son would eat corn on the cob at every meal if I allowed it. Lately I've had to cut him off at three ears at dinner. If I let him go on there would be no corn left for the rest of us! We've had grilled vegetables three times in the last week, and as soon as the tomatoes come out, it will be Panzanella at least once a week!

Summer is my least favorite time of year, so it is only the seasonal goodness of the fruits and vegetables that helps me through the heat and humidity. Obviously, I've got food on my mind! I thought it would be fun to write poetry about food this week. It could be an ode to your favorite or most despised food. It could be a memory about food. Well, it could be anything and take any form, as long as some type of food is the focus.

Have fun. I can't wait to read the (hopefully) delicious results! Leave me a note about your poem and I'll post the results later this week.


  1. Hi, Tricia - Fun! This tribute goes out to Lang, co-owner (with her husband) of the Mandarin Chef, in the University District of Seattle:

    Higgeldy piggledy
    Mandarin Cookery
    uses some spices,
    some garlic (and how…)
    Even when I’m in the
    Great Land of Noddery
    I am still dreaming of
    Lang's hot kung pao.

  2. Poetry scares me but I can manage a cinquain now and again:

    I pad
    barefoot, nightgowned
    to fill my bowl clean up
    with blueberries juicy and cool -

  3. I love poems about food. I can taste the garlic from the Mandarin Cookery above. My food poem is about yogurt. It starts:

    Making Yogurt

    I pour my one percent into
    a two-quart casserole dish
    and think of ancient Turkish
    Indian, Asian cooks. I wish
    that I had been the one to find
    the yak milk in my yurt
    had gelled to sour pudding
    they named kumiss or yogurt...

    The rest is here.

  4. Diet Sigh: A Haiku

    Day I eat small bits.
    Night I dream of chocolate.
    I do not lose weight.

    c2009 Jane Yolen
