
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Top 10 SF/Fantasy for Youth: 2009

I mentioned I've been in a bit of fantasy/fairy tale mood as of late. While looking for titles I came across this list from Booklist. Have you seen it? (I was away when this came out, so forgive me if it's old news.) Published in the May 15th issue you'll find a list of Top 10 SF/Fantasy for Youth.

The books on this list were all published in the last 12 months and include a Newbery Medal winner and two Printz Honor Books. Several of the titles appeared in School Library Journal's Battle of the Books. Also included is Grace Lin's recently released book Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. In addition to Grace's book, the one I really want to read is The Silver Phoenix: Beyond the Kingdom of Xia by Cindy Pon. Take a look at the trailer and tell me you're not just a little bit intrigued.


  1. Wow. That book trailer does make me want to read that book! Maybe my daughter and I will read it this summer.

    All of these other suggestions look great, too. I'm always looking out for great YA books. Thank you for sharing these selections.

  2. I have just reviewed this book for the New York Public Library. It is an awesome read. The book is set in China and integrates the culture, history and even the food of such a place, which I find to be quite intriguing.

    I recommend it with no hesitation!

    (I already told the author the same too!)

  3. I am so behind on my fantasy reading. Thank you for adding that link to BookList.
