
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Poetry Stretch Results - Poems of Confession

The challenge this week was to write a poem of confession. Here are the results.
Jane Yolen left this poem in the comments.
    Chocolate Love

    I want chocolate, dark as kohl,
    Lining my eyes,
    Slathered between my legs,
    Decorating my nipples.
    I could eat it for every meal,
    Rub it into my arm pits,
    Crush it between my molars,
    Suck it through a straw.
    I dream of chocolate each night,
    Running down my chin,
    Hot and cold,
    In a cup, in a cone.
    My tongue gives it a deep kiss
    And I am lost in its sweet tartness.
    Can you tell I am on a diet?

    © 2009 Jane Yolen
Stephanie Parsley from Sparble shares a poem entitled While you were at your father's in July.
Here is my draft for this week.
How to Unburden Your Soul

Pull journal from its hiding place
Find a good pen
Retire to a comfortable chair
Put your feet up
Collect your thoughts
Start a new page
Admit to:
      drinking milk straight from the jug
      eating the last piece of corn
      stealing your husband's change (every day)
      crying for no good reason
      backing into the mailbox
      an incredible lack of patience
      swearing like a sailor in the car
      a desire to throttle close friends and family
      spoiling your son
      missing a birthday
      failing a friend
      being human
Close journal
Let go
Breathe a sigh of relief
It's not to late if you still want to play. Leave me a note about your poem and I'll add it to the list.

1 comment:

  1. Tricia, love your poem. You must've been peeking in my journal! : )
    I've been on a blogging break too because I've been taking classes, writing curriculum, you know, all the things teachers do while they are "off" during the summer.
    Enjoy your vacation!
