
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Poetry Stretch Results - Recipe Poems

The challenge this week was to write a recipe poem. It's only Tuesday, but folks got out of the gate fast on this one. Here are the results (so far).
Elaine from Wild Rose Reader shared this poem in the comments. It is a (slight) revision of an earlier poem.
    How to Make a Morning

    Melt a galaxy of stars
    in a large blue bowl.
    Knead the golden sun
    and let it rise in the east.
    Spread the horizon
    with a layer of lemony light.
    Blend together
    until brimming with brightness.
    Fold in dewdrops.
    Sprinkle with songbirds.
    Garnish with a chorus
    of cock-a-doodle-doos.
    Set out on a platter at dawn
    and enjoy.
Tiel Aisha Ansari from Knocking From Inside shares a poem entitled Starfish Chili.

Laura Purdie Salas shares two recipe poems this week.

Diane M. Davis shares a poem entitled How to Make a Quiet Space.

Julie Larios from The Drift Record left this poem in the comments.
    How to Make a 2-Year-Old

    Start with Heart for the first year,
    plenty of it. Add Head tad by tad
    (plus a couple of toddles,
    don’t go for name brands
    like Mozart or Einstein –
    a few lumpy smooches
    and multiple grins and waddles
    are fine.) To leaven, add tickles
    (often) until you’re fairly addled
    and softened, and the baby
    is thoroughly moistened.
    Allow to double in size.
    Do not punch down
    or allow to curdle. Keep warm
    and dry in pj’s with penguins.
    Serve with a sibling or two (or more.)
    Share the results w/ all of your neighbors.
Kelly Fineman from Writing and Ruminating left this poem in the comments.
    Recipe For a Mountain Stream
    by Kelly R. Fineman

    Carve a pathway down the mountain.
    Line the streambed full of rocks.
    Julienne tree roots and branches
    if they keep you from your course.

    Melt the snowcaps on the hilltops.
    Whisk along where rapids roil.
    Moisten every single pebble,
    speck of gravel, mote of soil.
Here's the poem I wrote early this morning.
Island Surprise

Heat rock into molten magma
Pipe through cracks in the ocean floor
Let rise until well above sea level
Pound with surf
Simmer for thousands of years
Drizzle with sun and rain
Marinate in season after season
Dust with wind-blown seeds
Splash with the colors of the rainbow
Sprinkle with flora and fauna
Protect and enjoy for generations to come
It's not too late if you want to play along. Leave me a note about your poem and I'll add it to the results.


  1. Just had to let everyone know how much I am enjoying these poems. I can't wait to try one myself.

  2. enjoying your blog and your initiative . thank you Sarah Southgate in Holland

  3. Coincidentally my poem for Read Write Poem this week was also a Recipe for a Homunculus

  4. Hey Tricia, I wrote one more, and both of mine are up at my blog today at

    Fun week!

  5. Thanks again, Tricia, for the challenge! It's always fun to read what others have posted! My poem this week is: Ravioli di Vacanze Estive. I found it an interesting challenge to try to balance the language of a real recipe with the "meaning" of a topic that has nothing to do with cooking.

  6. Whoops! Trying again. That link didn't work! My poem this week is here.

  7. I got mine finished:

  8. Correction:
    Sorrry about that
