
Friday, August 07, 2009

Poetry Friday Is Here!

Last summer William and I spent two weeks with my parents. On one of our last days together we went to the zoo to see their brand new meerkats. (This picture shows William crawling through a "tortoise shell" on the playground.) I loved the polar bears, while William was quite taken with the rhinos. The day was overcast and before long we found ourselves caught in the rain. This poem reminds me of that day.
Rain at the Zoo
by Kristen Tracy

A giraffe presented its head to me, tilting it
sideways, reaching out its long gray tongue.
I gave it my wheat cracker while small drops
of rain pounded us both. Lightning cracked open
the sky. Zebras zipped across the field.

Read the entire poem.
I'm happy to be hosting this shindig, so without further ado, here's what folks are sharing in the world of poetry this week.

The Early Bird Edition
You will find a variety poems in the form of dictionary entries in this week's poetry stretch results.

Kurious Kitty of Kurious Kitty's Kurio Kabinet has a review of Poetry Out Loud.

Laura Purdie Salas shares an original poem entitled Is This Cold?.

Diane Mayr of Random Noodling shares Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses by Alberto Rios.

Tiel Aisha Ansari of Knocking From Inside shares an original poem entitled Practice Pieces.

Jone (MsMac) from Check It Out shares her thoughts about reading Writing and Enjoying Haiku by Jane Reichhold.

Linda of Write Time also shares an original poem entitled Shopping.

Father Goose shares an original poem entitled If Words Wore Shoes.

Anastasia Suen is sharing Gorilla Garage by Mark Shulman over at Picture Book of the Day.
The Rise and Shine Edition
The folks at Color Online are sharing the poetry of January O'Neil.

Mary Lee from A Year of Reading shares the poetry of Emily Dickinson as TextFlow.

Writer2b from Across the Page has me singing. You will be too when you see she's sharing the Modern Major General from Gilbert and Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance.

Tanita Davis is doing that "when in Rome thing" and sharing a Scots language poem called Gin I Was God.

Sara Lewis Holmes of Read*Write*Believe shares The Eel by Harry Clifton.

Carol of Carol's Corner is sharing a football poem in honor of her boys.

Andrea and Mark of Just One More Book!! are sharing their thoughts on the book Faces of the Moon by Bob Crelin.

Andi of a wrung sponge shares a review of A Wreath for Emmett Till by Marilyn Nelson.

Laura Purdie Salas shares the results of this week's 15 words or less prompt.

Jama from Jama Rattigan's Alphabet Soup shares the poem I'm Lonely As the Letter X by Diane Lockward.

Over at the KR Blog, Kazim Ali has a wonderful post on 8 Ways Running is Like Poetry. (A while back he wrote 8 Ways Yoga is Like Poetry.)

The folks at the Stenhouse Blog share two poems on the life of a teacher.
The Late Lunch Edition
Susan from Black-Eyed Susan also shares a poem from January O'Neil's book Underlife.

The ladies from Seven Imp share the poem Incubus by Craig Arnold.

Liz Garton Scanlon of Liz in Ink shares a poem about aching fingers by Marlys West.

Karen Edmisten shares The Poem That Took the Place of a Mountain.

Kelly Fineman of Writing and Ruminating shares an original poem entitled The Giraffe Pen on Thursday, at Noon.

Elaine Magliaro shares a bunch o' poetry today. First, at Wild Rose Reader you'll find an original poem entitled Rain Barrel. At Blue Rose Girls she's sharing a post about writer's block, a poem about poetry, and more. Finally, at Political Verses you'll find another original entitled Bah Humbug Exercise: A Poem That Could Have Been Written by Rush Limbaugh.

Shelf Elf shares the poem Open Air by Rita Dove.
The Evening Edition
Marjorie at the Paper Tigers blog shares an excerpt from a Personal View written by Jorge Luján.

Little Willow of Bildungsroman shares Prologus to The Roaring Girl by Thomas Middleton & Thomas Dekker.

Sylvia Vardell of Poetry for Children writes about some collections by Myra Cohn Livingston, whose birthday is just around the corner.
Happy Reading!


  1. I'm featuring emerging poet and friend, January O'Neil. Her collection, Underlife publishes September 2009,

    Thanks for hosting.

  2. I've got a poem by Emily Dickinson that I'm sharing as a birthday present for a friend.

    Thanks for hosting!

  3. I posted Gilbert and Sullivan's "Modern Major General" in honor of the approaching schoolyear:

    Thanks for hosting, and for introducing me to Kristen Tracy.

    Janet @ Across the Page

  4. I actually pulled myself together to participate today! Found a Scots language poem called "Gin I Was God."

  5. I'm in with an entry about *shudder* EELS.

  6. My boys are in the middle of high school two-a-days for football. My poem this week is in honor of my two exhausted, sore, hard-working guys.

  7. Good Morning, Tricia!

    Thanks for rounding us up today. Mark & I got discombobulated this week and did Poetry Friday on Wednesday: The fabulous Faces of the Moon -- non-fiction, rhyming, beautiful images and all kinds of snazzy learning aids.

    (Since I know how you love non-fiction, I'll mention that our non-rhyming favourite this week is Neo Leo: The Ageless Ideas of Leonardo Da Vinci.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Thanks for doing the round up Trisha! What a great memory of being at the zoo in the rain. We've done that too, and somehow those are the times that stand out.

    I am in with a review of A Wreath for Emmett Till by Marilyn Nelson.

  9. Great poem, Tricia. I love rain and zoos both, and together if it's not raining so hard the animals are all hiding inside.

    I love the last line of this poem, though the poem overall feels more like prose to me.

    I have the 15 Words or Less results at

    Thanks for hosting!

  10. Love the photo -- and what a perfect poem!

    Today I'm showing a little love for the letter X, by sharing a poem by Diane Lockward:

    Thanks for hosting, and have a nice weekend!


  11. We have two poems today from Annie Herbert, a reading specialist in Maryland: "On Being a Literacy Coach" and "Teachers' School Dreams."

  12. Second selection from Underlife at Black-Eyed Susan's

  13. Hey, Tricia! 7-Imp is in with "Incubus" by Craig Arnold. Happy Poetry Friday, and thanks for hosting.

  14. Tricia -- hello! I miss you!

    Thank you for hosting...

    I'm in this morning with a poem about aching fingers by Marlys West...

  15. Thanks for hosting, Tricia. I'm in with "The Poem That Took the Place of a Mountain." It's here.

  16. Thanks for hosting, Tricia! I'm in with an original poem, The Giraffe Pen on Thursday, at noon. Here's the link info:

  17. Wonderful poem. Tracy is new to me.

  18. Tricia,

    i hope you and William are having a grand summer! Thanks for doing the roundup this wee.

    I'm a little late this morning--had to go get a haircut.

    At Wild Rose Reader, I have an original memoir poem entitled "Rain Barrel."


    At Blue Rose Girls, I have a post about my writer's block, a poem about poetry, and a link to a recent article by Katha Pollitt at The Nation website.

    At Political Verses, my poem this week is entitled "Bah Humbug Exercise: A Poem That Could Have Been Written by Rush Limbaugh."

  19. Thank you for hosting. A beautiful picture of William in -- what? I keep starting. Tortoise-shell looking, but, why the hole? I'm curious.. so if you don't mind on this busy day...
    Jeannine Atkins

  20. A late entry from Shelf Elf! Thanks for hosting today.

    Here's my link to Reverie in Open Air, by Rita Dove. Good for a lovely summer afternoon.

  21. Hello, Tricia, thank you for hosting. It seems to rain whenever we visit anywhere with animals too!

    My offering this week is an extract from a Personal View written by Jorge Luján for our new PaperTigers update:

  22. Thanks for hosting, Tricia, and bonus points for posting a poem by Kristen Tracy!

    I posted the Prologus to The Roaring Girl by Thomas Middleton & Thomas Dekker at Bildungsroman.

  23. Tricia,
    Thanks for hosting and for sharing this lovely memory with your son and your parents. It must be bittersweet.

    If it's not too late, I'd like to chime in with a post about out-of-print books by Myra Cohn Livingston, whose birthday is around the corner.
