
Friday, August 28, 2009

Poetry Friday - A Spiral Notebook

I know I've posted this poem before, but I simply love it. Like Valerie Worth, Ted Kooser puts words together in a way that brings the most ordinary items gloriously to life. Since the poetry stretch this week was to write poems about school, this seemed most appropriate to share.
A Spiral Notebook
by Ted Kooser

The bright wire rolls like a porpoise
in and out of the calm blue sea
of the cover, or perhaps like a sleeper
twisting in and out of his dreams,
for it could hold a record of dreams
if you wanted to buy it for that

Read the poem in its entirety.
The round up this week is hosted by Kate Coombs at Book Aunt. Do stop by and take in all the great poems being shared. Before you go, be sure to check out the results of this week's poetry stretch. Happy poetry Friday all!


  1. *sigh*
    I love this poem, and it reminds me of moving forward and moving on, how kids move on in school, and how I should be writing, with an openness and affection and a joy to move on to the next thing. Lovely.

  2. Oooh! This is wonderful. I've never read it before. Lovely timing with all the spiral notebooks going to school, plus I have an abundance of spiral notebooks stacked with rough drafts and poetry myself!

  3. Love it, love the truth, the blue cover, the 5 subjects. Sigh.

  4. school supplies...full of possibility and promise and unknown wonder...

  5. Tricia,

    I'm a Ted Kooser fan--but I've never read this poem before. Love it!
