
Saturday, September 05, 2009

Books and Blogging Authors

I've written before about why I love the Kidlitosphere. But lately I find great joy in seeing and celebrating the books of blogging authors, particularly when they've just hit the shelves. I feel as if I've been in on a great secret, having heard about the work that went into it, the anticipation, over its release, and sheer joy on the date of publication.

Yesterday while browsing at my local Barnes and Noble I was thrilled to come across these titles. (Thank heavens for phones with cameras in them!)
First up is Operation YES, by Sara Lewis Holmes. I found it on a special display of new fiction. If you don't know about this one, check out the fabulous launch post at Jama Rattigan's alphabet soup.
The second title is The Runaway Dragon by Kate Coombs. Kate blogs at Book Aunt and is a regular participant in the poetry stretches here. This one was shelved in a display of new fiction for young readers.

Not only did I get a thrill from seeing them on the shelves, but I purchased both (along with a few others titles) for a thank you package I'm putting together for the children of the hosts of our recent family reunion. Books DO make the best gifts.

What new titles have you been excited to see lately?


  1. Tricia, it may interest you to know I just ran across your blog mentioned here:

    And I blogged about you again on Bonnie's Books:

  2. Ooh, thanks, Tricia! You know what? People keep reporting seeing and/or buying Op Yes, but I haven't seen it on the shelves myself yet! Maybe tomorrow when I go to Kristy Dempsey's booksigning . . .

  3. Tricia, thanks for the shout-out! I know I was excited when I found Laurel Snyder's Any Which Wall in the bookstore a few months back.
