
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Blogging Kidlit - What Do YOU Want to Know?

MotherReader was kind enough to invite me to sit on a panel at the KidLitosphere Conference this week. I'll be joining Mary Lee from A Year of Reading, Jennie of Biblio File, and Melissa of Book Nut. There will be quite a range of ideas discussed in the 10 minutes allotted to each panelist, with plenty of time (20 minutes) for Q&A at the end. Here's (tentatively) how it's shaping up.
Mary Lee is taking the teacher/blogger angle and may talk about: (1) the joys of co-blogging; (2) allowing your blog to evolve and become more than just a book blog; and (3) the importance of knowing your audience.

Jennie is tackling the question of turning blogging into professional reviewing. She may also address issues of blogger jealousy and cliquish-ness, especially when it comes to the adult/kidlit book blog divide.

Melissa is going to discuss the publicist/blogger angle and how it affects her writing. She's also going to cover the 48 Hour Reading Challenge and maybe a bit about the wider book blogger world.
That just leaves me. Since I'm quite fond of organized participation, I'm going to talk about weekly events like Poetry Friday and Nonfiction Monday.

Whether you're coming to the conference or following from afar, I'd love to know what questions you might have about these or other weekly events in the kidlitosphere. Please leave your questions, thoughts, comments or other discussion ideas for me and I'll see what I can work in to my 10 minutes or otherwise share with the panel members. Thanks for your help!

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