
Friday, March 26, 2010

Poetry Friday - Forgiving Buckner

I know that spring is truly on it's way, not because of the buds that seem to be opening daily, but because the return of major league baseball is only 9 days away. Can baseball be the true harbinger of spring? On some days I think so. In honor of the return of baseball I've been reading some wonderful poems of the game. Here's one of them.

Forgiving Bucknerby John Hodgen
The world is always rolling between our legs.
It comes for us, dribbler, slow roller,
humming its goat song, easy as pie.

We spit in our gloves, bend our stiff knees,
keep it in front of us, our fathers' advice,

Read the poem in its entirety.
The round up is being hosted by Julie Larios of The Drift Record. Do stop by and take in all the wonderful poetry being shared. Before you go, be sure to check out this week's poetry stretch results. Happy poetry Friday all!


  1. Wow. Love that opening verse, in particular.

  2. Good one. I will never forget that play! (Met vs. Red Sox World Series, 1986)

  3. Thanks for sharing this-it's a good one, and love that title. It took two World Series' wins by the Red Sox before Buckner was finally taken off the hook, opening day 2008, when he threw out the first pitch to Dwight Evans to a roaring ovation in Boston. I always felt for him, despite seeing that '86 series slip away.

  4. Great poem and imagery, filled with emotion :)

  5. You can't blame Buckner, it was the black cats fault. The cat showed up in game 6 or 7.

    If you like baseball please check out.

    I asked nine authors who wrote baseball novels, 12 baseball questions.

  6. I know nothing about this person or the (apparently) real event this poem references, and yet I can still relate to the world rolling between my legs no matter how hard I concentrate or how well I place my hands to catch it and make the play!
