
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Where Is Miss Rumphius?

You've probably noticed the lack of posts in the last 8 weeks. Summer school and life have been kicking my butt. However, with a little bit of R&R scheduled, a TBR pile that's huge, and big plans for some new lists and features, I hope to be back in fighting form in no time.

I'm not lying when I say I've missed you. I'm not just talking about posting here, I'm talking about reading you. I haven't visited my favorite blogs in ages. I missed all the reports about ALA (Yes, I was there!), Brush Up Your Shakespeare month, a slew of Poetry Fridays and Nonfiction Mondays, and so much more.

I leave today for a much needed vacation and will be back on August 2nd. I hope you'll join me here when I return.


  1. Enjoy your vacation! We'll be here anxiously awaiting your return :).

  2. Have a great relaxing trip!

  3. We miss you too, Tricia--enjoy!

  4. Tricia,

    Enjoy your vacation! I hope you find it restful and relaxing.

    I've been blogging light these past few months myself. Now that my daughter is married and my mother is settled in at her new residence I'm hoping I'll be able to get back to blogging regularly.
