
Friday, October 29, 2010

NCTE Convention and Celebrating Poetry

November at The Miss Rumphius Effect will be dedicated to poetry. Take that April!

Way back in January I was invited by the inimitable Sylvia Vardell of Poetry for Children to participate in a panel discussion on poetry and blogging. The date for the presentation is finally drawing near. Here's the info on the session I will be participating in at the NCTE Annual Convention in Orlando.

Session Title: Poets and Bloggers Unite: Using Technology to Connect Kids, Teachers, and Poetry
Date: November 19th
Session/Time: A.09—9:30 am to 10:45 am
Format: Panel

In addition to Sylvia Vardell (who I had the opportunity to meet and drive-by hug quickly at ALA in June), the other blogging member of the panel is Elaine Magliaro of Wild Rose Reader. After nearly 4 years of blogging I'm finally going to meet her! The poet members of our panel will be Lee Bennett Hopkins, Pat Mora, Jame Richards, and Marilyn Singer.

The blogging members of this panel will be featuring the poets on our blogs for 2 weeks before the conference, inviting reader participation. I am thrilled to be featuring Marilyn Singer and will have the honor of introducing her during our session.

That's all the news for now. Look for features to begin here on November 1st.


  1. Boy, I wish I could be a fly on the wall for that panel. Sounds FABULOUS! Take good notes... or Tweet it live. :-)

  2. I cannot wait for this panel! What a wonderful line up, and the two weeks beforehand will be a real treat. Greg - maybe I will try to Tweet this session. My first Kidlit Con taught me how this can be useful to others.
