
Friday, August 05, 2011

Poetry Friday - W.S. Merwin

I have been reading Merwin for some time now. A book of his poetry accompanied me on our recent trip to Mexico. The poems somehow seemed fitting of the place.

He is quite an interesting man. Here's an excerpt from The Poet's View in which he recounts meeting Ezra Pound, describes how his poetry is a reflection of how he lives, and reads a poem he wrote for his wife.
Merwin's nature poetry is what first drew me to his work. He still writes about nature and is a strong advocate for conservation. In fact, he recently gave the keynote address at this year's Hawaii Conservation Conference. You can read more about it in the article entitled US Poet Laureate Says Humans Failing Themselves.

The round up is being hosted by Libby at A Year of Literacy Coaching. Do stop by and take in all the great poetry being shared this week. Happy poetry Friday all!


  1. Imagine "going to see" Ezra Pound at St. Elizabeth's! Thank you so much, Tricia, for posting this. I love what Pound had to say about the value of translation (and how it affects our own work) and what Merwin says about writing poetry having something to do with how we want to LIVE. Wonderful.

  2. Wow, how lovely to hear him speak and read. Thanks!

  3. I recently discovered Merwin's nature poetry and am keen to read more!

  4. What a terrific treat, Tricia - thank you for sharing.
