
Friday, May 11, 2012

Poetry Friday - Undivided Attention

Normally on Poetry Friday I peruse my bookshelves and find something I want to share. Here's what my office looks like right now. 
Our building is being renovated this summer, so this means I must pack up so that carpet and windows can be replaced, walls can be painted, and much more. WHAT A PAIN!

I am in serious withdrawl without my books! What you are looking at is 26 boxes of books, and my office is only about 60% packed! Since I'm teaching math this summer, I have stubbornly refused to  touch these materials. I'll need to find a home for them since I will need them for class. But alas, all my poetry has been boxed. I miss it terribly.

This means you get something a little different from me today. Here's Taylor Mali performing Undivided Attention.

Now that you've heard it, read the poem in its entirety.

The roundup today is being hosted by Irene Latham at Live Your Poem. Do stop by and take in all the wonderful poetry being shared this week. Happy poetry Friday all!


  1. Oh, I love that poem so much - I want to write like that first snow, too.

    Your office looks like my house did recently, only the truck just left for the fifty-six days of shipping and waiting that my boxes have to do... at least yours are staying in the same country with you. I hope you enjoy your new office and are cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, and that the new-carpet smell is not sneeze-inducing!

  2. Always enjoy Taylor Mali.

    Hope the summer isn't too unbearable without your books.

  3. I can't imagine what it must have been like to box up all those books...whew! "let me teach like the new snow falling" - love Taylor Mali!

  4. So glad you're back, Tricia! Thanks for this terrific poem and video today. I'll miss you as I fly to PA and back for the "Poetry for All" workshop at Highlights starting Sunday. But I'll wave at you and all those boxes!

  5. Looks like you'll need to get yourself to a book store and pick up a few new poetry books.

    Good Mali poem, too!


  6. Thanks for sharing this gorgeous poem. I'm with Jet above-looks as if you need a bookstore or a download quick-more poems! Like others, I want to teach like new snow, falling!

  7. Yikes. Life without all of your books, and teaching like a Steinway spinning, like snow falling. Both seem near to impossible.

  8. What a fantastic poem, especially for teachers (and aren't we all, in one way or another?). Love this thought especially: "Who can teach when there are such lessons to be learned?" Think I will write some on that topic myself! Thanks for sharing and good luck getting those boxes unpacked when the time comes!

  9. It's going to take a while for my slow internet connection to download that video, but in the meantime, it's good to see you. :-)

  10. Just wonderful! Thanks for sharing this, Renee

  11. Wow.

    That is a fabulous poem. Thanks for sharing, and good to see you here:>) Hope your summer flies by so you can get your books from jail!

  12. Trisha this is such a wonderful poem! "Who can teach when there are such lessons to be learned." Amen! Thank you for sharing the video. I have a lot of books in boxes too and every now and then I have to dig through them to find a certain book. A librarian whose books are a jumble... what can I say.
