
Friday, September 28, 2012

Poetry Friday - Reading the Brothers Grimm to Jenny

This week's poetry stretch was to write about school supplies. Folks contributed some really wonderful  poems. You can read the results at Monday Poetry Stretch - School Supplies

I'm still reading poetry about fairy tales. Here's one by Lisel Mueller.
Reading the Brothers Grimm to Jenny
Dead means somebody has to kiss you.
Jenny, your mind commands
kingdoms of black and white:
you shoulder the crow on your left
the snowbird on your right;
for you the cinders part
and let the lentils through,
and noise falls into place
as screech or sweet roo-coo,
while in my own, real world
gray foxes and gray wolves
bargain eye to eye,
and the amazing dove
takes shelter under the wing
of the raven to keep dry. 
Read the poem in its entirety.
The round up today is being hosted by Marjorie at Paper Tigers. Be sure to visit and take in all the great poetry being shared this week.


  1. Such a powerful poem - I love the different nuances of black, white and grey - and from whose perspectives...

  2. "The terror and the bliss." Sounds about right.

  3. That subtitle is hilarious!

  4. Somebody just reminded me of this poem I read when you first posted it, and brought tears to my eyes. So I dashed back to thank you for posting, before I forgot again. Thank you!!
