
Friday, November 08, 2013

Poetry Friday - For the Chipmunk in My Yard

I've long been a reader of and subscriber to American Life in Poetry. American Life in Poetry is a free weekly column for newspapers and online publications featuring a poem by a contemporary American poet and a brief introduction to the poem by Ted Kooser. The sole mission of this project is to promote poetry.

If you subscribe, each week you get a lovely little gift of poetry in your inbox. What could be better? If you stop by online, you can print out a PDF of your favorite columns.

Here's one of my favorite fall selections from this project.

For the Chipmunk in My Yard 
by Robert Gibb

I think he knows I’m alive, having come down
The three steps of the back porch
And given me a good once over. All afternoon
He’s been moving back and forth,
Gathering odd bits of walnut shells and twigs,
While all about him the great fields tumble

Read the poem in its entirety.

Check out other poetic things being shared and collected today by Diane at Random Noodling. Happy Poetry Friday all!


  1. I do receive the poems weekly and usually love each one, often about nature. Like this one, they are such lovely images, quiet poems. Thank you!

  2. I get them too, and I've got a few saved up in a file folder in my email program. One of my favorites is a poem from August 2008, column 176, "Sunflower" by Frank Steele--a little gem that I wish I had written.

  3. I need to make time to sit very still and watch...
