
Friday, February 07, 2014

Poetry Friday - A Valentine

I know I'm a week early, but I read this poem a few days ago and just had to share it.

A Valentine
by Laura Elizabeth Richards

Oh! little loveliest lady mine,
What shall I send for your valentine?
Summer and flowers are far away;
Gloomy old Winter is king to-day;
Buds will not blow, and sun will not shine:      
What shall I do for a valentine?

I’ve searched the gardens all through and through
For a bud to tell of my love so true;
But buds are asleep, and blossoms are dead,
And the snow beats down on my poor little head:      
So, little loveliest lady mine,
Here is my heart for your valentine!

Do check out all the wonderful poetic things being shared and collected today by Renee at No Water River. Happy poetry Friday friends.


  1. What a sweet poem, Tricia. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Aw, so sweet. Love the old fashioned sentiment. :)

  3. Very pretty. Thanks for sharing this.

  4. I love the lines:
    "But buds are asleep, and blossoms are dead,
    And the snow beats down on my poor little head:"
    The irony of a flower filled holiday in the winter. Thanks for sharing. =)
