
Monday, March 31, 2014

National Poetry Month - Poetry Lovers, Start Your Engines ...

I'm revving up for tomorrow's kickoff of my National Poetry Month project. This time around I'm going to focus each week on a subject area and offer pairings of poetry and children's books that support the topic. Inspired by the Book Links article Sylvia Vardell asked me to co-author, Nonfiction Monday meets Poetry Friday: Linking Genres, I've been thinking quite a bit since then about offering up carefully selected book pairs.

This means that beginning tomorrow, and starting with SCIENCE, I'll be off with a month-long look at books of poetry (or in some cases very special poems) and their perfect (I hope!) partners.

I can't wait for April to begin! I hope you'll stop by to see what I've thrown together.


  1. Tricia, Great minds must think alike. I have been pairiing poetry with literature for years!! How fun.

  2. This sounds terrific. I'm really looking forward to it.

  3. This sounds great, Tricia. I will look for your posts.
