
Friday, February 13, 2015

Poetry Friday - Birthday Lights

On Monday my son will celebrate his 14th birthday. Please allow me to indulge for a moment and show you how much he's grown, while I have a good cry over how fast these years have flown by.
1st Birthday

4th Birthday

13th Birthday

Monday is also my brother's birthday, but I don't think he'd appreciate me broadcasting his age. Suffice it to say he's my BIG brother. Here's a photo of the two of us on one of his birthday celebrations many moons ago. He's all about the cake while I'm mugging for the camera.

Today I'm sharing early birthday wishes, love, and a silly poem in their honor.

Birthday Lights
by Calef Brown

Light bulbs on a birthday cake.
What a difference that would make!
     Plug it in and make a wish,
     then relax and flip a switch!
No more smoke
      or waxy mess
      to bother any birthday guests.

Read the poem in its entirety.

I do hope you'll take some time to check out all the wonderful poetic things being shared and collected today by Cathy at Merely Day By Day. Happy poetry Friday friends!


  1. My GOODNESS. Since I remember him at eight, when his guinea pig died, this is kind of disquieting. Tempus fugit, indeed.

    But, look, you did it! Fourteen years, and he's in one piece!

  2. Can't believe he's going to be 14! I remember him at 9. Will he get 14 birthday cakes? :)

  3. Birthday lights might have marketing potential. ;o) Happy birthday to your son. You are right - time does fly.


  4. I agree with the poem -- candles are necessary for magic! And birthdays are a most magical time -- that moment when the past meets the future...

  5. Great photos! Happy birthday to both of them! I think putting light bulbs on cakes would be far messier than candles :-)

  6. Love all those great photos, Tricia! I couldn't read your post without thinking of my own 14 year old who will be turning 15 in May. Fifteen lightbulbs? Good heavens, think of the electricity bill! ;)

  7. Happy Birthday to Brother Stohr and William the Kid!

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