
Friday, March 27, 2015

Poetry Friday - Rock Me To Sleep

To say I'm exhausted is putting it mildly. Work is overwhelming at the moment, but I know all this will pass and the semester will end far too soon. Before I know it I will be bemoaning the dearth of students on campus.

While I work to catch up, I will dream of sleep. Those dreams and a strong desire to see my mother have brought me to this poem today.

Rock Me to Sleep
by Elizabeth Akers Allen

Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight,
Make me a child again just for tonight!
Mother, come back from the echoless shore,
Take me again to your heart as of yore;
Kiss from my forehead the furrows of care,
Smooth the few silver threads out of my hair;
Over my slumbers your loving watch keep;—    
Rock me to sleep, mother, – rock me to sleep!

Backward, flow backward, O tide of the years!
I am so weary of toil and of tears,—    
Toil without recompense, tears all in vain,—
Take them, and give me my childhood again!
I have grown weary of dust and decay,—
Weary of flinging my soul-wealth away;
Weary of sowing for others to reap;—
Rock me to sleep, mother – rock me to sleep!

Read the poem in its entirety.

I do hope you'll take some time to check out all the wonderful poetic things being shared and collected today by Jone of Check It Out. Happy poetry Friday friends!


  1. You found a perfect poem for weariness and mother-yearning. I particularly liked this description of years passing: "Many a summer the grass has grown green,/Blossomed and faded, our faces between:"

  2. These lines speak to me, "For with its sunny-edged shadows once more/
    Haply will throng the sweet visions of yore;" I like the way the poet remembers her young mother's hair.

    Get some rest, now, Tricia!

  3. Good good luck with all you have to do! I wish you strength on your journey to semester's end, happiness in your accomplishments, and sweet joy and rest come May!

    Thank you for such a lovely poem!

  4. It's a busy time these final weeks of school for everyone. At last I have a week of spring break, then the last 2 months. I am ready, as I hear that you are, too. It's a lovely sentiment, isn't it? When I returned home and visited, it was so nice just to be waited on just for a while. Best wishes for these weeks, and a little rest tucked in here and there, Tricia.

  5. Way to go -- you made me cry on a sunny Saturday morning!

    Just kidding...well, not about the tears, but I'm not as mad as I made that sound. I'm probably a bit weepy because I, too, am very tired. Seems like the end-of-year May Madness has moved back all the way to March now, in this PARCC era...

    1. I hear you, Mary Lee. My teachers friends are under so much pressure and are so stressed. It doesn't feel right that it starts this early. Good luck to you as you move through the end of the year.
