
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Monday Poetry Stretch - Sedoka

Yes, I know it's Tuesday. We've had family in town since Friday and I forgot to schedule this, so I am a day late.

Continuing on the theme of Japanese poetic forms, the sedoka is an unrhymed poem made up of a pair of katauta. A katuata is a three-line poem with the syllable count of 5 / 7 / 7. Generally a sedoka addresses the same subject from different perspectives.

You can read more about the sedoka at Encyclopedia Brittanica.

I hope you'll join me this week in writing a sedoka (or two). Please share a link to your poem or the poem itself in the comments.


  1. Fish flash through water,
    giving new silver to waves
    dull gray under cloudy skies.

    Silvery fish twist
    through clouds, searching the wave skies
    for small fish with shining eyes.

    —Kate Coombs, 2015
    all rights reserved

  2. My barn is now red
    That yesterday was a gray,
    Elephant into rooster.

    My barn has change hue.
    A chameleon of red boards
    Against the autumn forest.

    ©2015 Jane Yolen all rights reserved

    Our fir tree, draped in
    ornamental splendor, looks
    ready for Christmas!

    I’ve been kidnapped from
    my home to entertain these
    non-cognizant humans, help!

    (c) Charles Waters 2015 all rights reserved.
