
Friday, November 20, 2015

Poetry Friday is My November Guest

Welcome poetry lovers! I'm happy to be hosting Poetry Friday this week. Many of my blogging friends are in Minnesota at the NCTE conference. I hope they'll be sharing goodies with us this day.

Today I am sharing my favorite poet for fall, Robert Frost. "My November Guest" was first published in the November 1912 issue of The Forum, and later was collected in his first volume, A Boy's Will, published in 1915.

My November Guest
by Robert Frost
(Text from Bartleby)

My Sorrow, when she’s here with me,
  Thinks these dark days of autumn rain
Are beautiful as days can be;
She loves the bare, the withered tree;
  She walks the sodden pasture lane.      

Her pleasure will not let me stay.
  She talks and I am fain to list:
She’s glad the birds are gone away,
She’s glad her simple worsted gray
  Is silver now with clinging mist.      

The desolate, deserted trees,
  The faded earth, the heavy sky,
The beauties she so truly sees,
She thinks I have no eye for these,
  And vexes me for reason why.      

Not yesterday I learned to know
  The love of bare November days
Before the coming of the snow,
But it were vain to tell her so,
  And they are better for her praise.      

I hope you'll help me celebrate poetry this week by joining in the round-up and visiting other folks sharing their thoughts. I'm and old-school style host, so please leave a note with a link to your offering in the comments. Happy poetry Friday all!


Original Poetry 
Laura Purdie Salas shares a poetry sampler and an original poem entitled Soap Bubbles.

Diane Mayr of Random Noodling shares a "not-so-celebratory" (her words, not mine!) Thanksgiving poem entitled Thinking of Thanksgiving.

Brenda Davis Harsham of Friendly Fairy Tales shares a poem entitled Season of Thanks.

Margaret Simon of Reflections on the Teche shares wonder poems her students have created and illustrated using Animoto.

Linda Baie of Teacher Dance reflects on the events of the last week and difference and has crafted a poem entitled In and Out.

Iphigene at Gathering Books share a poem and prayer entitled Our Father.

cb hanek shares her response to Carol V's "Autumn Palette" invitation/challenge and shares a photo-poem entitled Twice-Tremendous Trees.

Donna Smith of Mainely Write shares her poem "Reveille" today.

Matt Forrest Esenwine of Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme shares 3 poems written to his "Poetry...Cubed!" challenge.

Charles Waters shares some VERY GOOD NEWS (hurray!) and two original poems.

Doraine Bennett of Dori Reads shares her poem Thankful.

Carol Varsalona of Beyond Literacy Link connects her thoughts on the season to a photo-poem (a cento of sorts) based on an excerpt from Cynthia Rylant's book In November.

Bridget Magee of wee words for wee ones is sharing her poem entitled Without You.

Jan Godown Annino of Bookseedstudio shares a number of ThankU (thankful haiku) poems.

Amy Ludwig VanDerwater of The Poem Farm, has a story poem and a special sharing. I'll add she's also sharing the incredible gift of her generosity.

Carlie of Twinkling Along is sharing her poem entitled An Apple Lesson.

Poetry of Others
Michelle Heidenrich Barnes of Today's Little Ditty is featuring Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu in the Haiku Garden.

Robyn Hood Black of Life on the Deckle Edge features Becca McCauley of The Paideia School in Atlanta and shares a peek into her personal exploration of haiku and how she's using it with her students.

Over at Kurious Kitty's Kurio Kabinet, Diane Mayr is sharing a poem about Pilgrims from an old holiday anthology.

Karin Fisher-Golton reflects on The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus, the poem engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the lower level of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.

Becky Shillington of Tapestry of Words is contemplating a poem about hope by Emily Dickinson.

Catherine Flynn of Reading to the Core is in Minnesota for NCTE and is sharing poems from 3 Minnesota poets.

Irene Latham of Live Your Poem shares the poem "I Am Angry" from the Cybils nominated book A Great Big Cuddle by Michael Rosen.

Heidi Mordhorst of my juicy little universe shares the poem Woman Feeding Chickens by Roy Scheele.

Violet Nesdoly shares some photos and Oliver Herford's poem The Elf and the Dormouse.

Ruth of There is no such thing as a God-foresaken town shares Pablo Neruda's poem Ode to Life.

Little Willow of Bildungsroman is sharing the poem Mr. Darcy by Victoria Chang.

Tara Smith of A Teaching Life shares the poem Keeping Quiet by Pablo Neruda.

Sylvia Vardell of Poetry For Children is sharing a poem from the Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations appropriate to the season with accompanying activity ideas.

Tanita Davis of fiction instead of lies is sharing two poems, Faith and Mockery, both by Louis Untermeyer.

Jone MacCulloch of Check It Out is sharing the poem Making Peace by Denise Levertov.

Karen Edmisten is sharing the poem Cheerfulness Taught by Reason by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Book Reviews and Poetry
Laura Shovan of Author Amok shares a review of Paper Wishes, a historical novel that looks at Japanese internment camps from a child's point of view, and connects it to song lyrics from the musical Allegiance.

Julie Larios of The Drift Record shares Julie Paschkis's latest book, a collection of poems in both Spanish and English, and the poem La Polilla / The Moth.

Jama Rattigan of Jama's Alphabet Soup is sharing a review of Head to Toe Spaghetti And Other Tasty Poems, a new collection of food poems by David Booth.

Gifts and Assorted Poetic Offerings
Tabatha Yeatts of The Opposite of Indifference shares poetry gift ideas and a video about using poetry to help doctors connect with their patients in a different way.

JoAnn Early Macken of Teaching Authors continues with their "Three Weeks of Thanks-Giving" series with a ThankU to peacemakers.

Did you know that you can get a new poem a day from Jane Yolen? All you need to do is: (1) sign up at; and (2) pledge to either buy a book of Jane's or borrow one from the library. So, what are you waiting for?


  1. My students are writing wonder poems inspired by Laura Purdie Salas and making videos.

  2. Concerned about the week's events, I've tried to craft a poem about differences. Thanks for hosting, Tricia. The poem tells us to look again, and I love that idea.

  3. Also connected to the week's events: the poem, "The New Colossus," by Emma Lazarus, which appears at the base of the Statue of Liberty was on my mind. I shared its full text and a little about the poem on my blog.

    Thank you for hosting!

  4. Tricia, I love "My November Guest." And you're right - Frost is perfect for this season.
    It's interesting to see that several people this week are trying to sort out their feelings about the heartbreaking violence in Paris. It's going to take me a bit longer. So over at The Drift Record this week I look at Julie Paschkis's latest book, a collection of poems in both Spanish and English. Julie wrote in both languages AND illustrated the book - amazing. Be sure to check the Artist/Author Note at the back of the books where she explains her process. I'm sharing one poem from the book ("La Polilla / The Moth") and here's the link:
    Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving next Thursday. I certainly have much to be grateful for this year.

  5. Robert Frost...such a lovely poem. Thanks for sharing that. Today, I share a poem/prayer.

  6. You picked a great poem, Tricia. Love that "simple worsted gray" which "Is silver now with clinging mist." Some people might be thinking about holiday gifts soon, so I have some poetry suggestions, as well as a video about using poetry to help doctors connect with their patients in a different way:

  7. Thanks for hosting, Tricia, and thank you, too, for sharing Frost's elegant, as well as starkly chilling, images of his November Guest. (Maybe the images of grey and bareness strike me as chilling, as well as elegant, in retrospect of last Friday's Paris events.) For the first time, thanks to that poem, I thought about his last name in connection with this season, as in "the frost is on the pumpkin"..Today, in continued response to Carol V's "Autumn Palette" photo-poem invitation/challenge, I'm still thinking Fall foliage, and am sharing reflections on a photo of my husband's: Twice-Tremendous Trees, courtesy the original selfie-maker. Thanks again! cb hanek

  8. I *love* this poem by Robert Frost, Tricia. Thanks so much for hosting Poetry Friday this week! In my post I am sharing some news, and contemplating a poem about hope by Emily Dickinson:

  9. We had a gray, misty day in Maryland yesterday, just as Frost describes here (that worsted gray!)

    Thanks for posting my link, Tricia. PAPER WISHES is a beautifully written historical novel. It looks at the Japanese internment camps from a child's point of view.

    1. Forgot to include this: The song lyrics I'm sharing are from the Broadway musical ALLEGIANCE, which is loosely based on George Takei's family history with the internment camps.

  10. Frost captures November in New England perfectly! Love this: "She’s glad her simple worsted gray/Is silver now with clinging mist." In honor of NCTE being held in Minneapolis, I'm sharing poems from three of my favorite Minnesota poets.
    Thank you for hosting, Tricia! We'll miss you!

  11. What a stunning poem. Thanks for sharing, Tricia, and for this moment of quiet and calm before I head off to the wonderful chaos of NCTE! I'm in (and thank you for rounding me up already!) with "Soap Bubbles," an original poem, at

  12. I am posting my poem "Reveille" today. Kind of goes with what you have shared today! I love that poem, but surprisingly hadn't read it before just now.

  13. Love the Frost poem, Tricia - and thanks for hosting today! I have three more poems I'm sharing as part of my "Poetry...Cubed!" challenge: Only a little over a week left to go, so if anyone wants to enter the contest, they only have a short amount of time!

  14. Thanks for the Robert Frost fix today, Tricia!

    Today I have a review of a new collection of food poems by David Booth, HEAD TO TOE SPAGHETTI:

    Thanks for hosting today!

  15. Hi Tricia - thank you for hosting today and for sharing that November guest. I, too, love withered trees! I've got a favorite poem "I Am Angry" from the Cybils nominated book A GREAT BIG CUDDLE by Michael Rosen.

    And I am missing being at NCTE with you and everyone! xo

  16. Hello, Tricia! You--and all of you--are missed in Minneapolis! I'm sharing a lovely little poem I just found that goes with what I'm trying to do here at NCTE.

  17. Thank you for the Robert Frost poem with its perfect description of November's chill and darkness. I could almost learn to love them, too. Today on the Teaching Authors blog, I continue our "Three Weeks of Thanks-Giving" series with a Thanku to peacemakers. I'm also trying to make sense of world events:


  18. Hey Tricia! Thanks for hosting. You can never go wrong with Robert Frost. ☺

    Can't wait to hear about NCTE from some of the Poetry Friday peeps.

    I'm here with some cool news, and up to date goings on at Poetry Time. Enjoy everyone!!POETRY-TIME-BLOG-29/c23vc/561965610cf2c3576e56da6b

  19. Hi Tricia. Thanks for hosting!

    My post today is a poem that I must have memorized as a kid because I can still recite it. The memory of Oliver Herford's "The Elf and the Dormouse" was inspired by the abundance of mushrooms that have burst on our fall scene. It's here:

  20. Thanks for hosting! I have Pablo Neruda's "Ode to Life" today.

  21. Tricia, thank you for hosting today and for organizing the roundup in such a "user-friendly" way. Thanks also for sharing the Frost poem, which reflects the season so beautifully. I especially love these lines: "She’s glad her simple worsted gray/Is silver now with clinging mist."

  22. Echoing thanks, Tricia, for your awesomeness in hosting. How do you read, synthesize, organize, and present so fast?!
    Thanks, too, for the Frost poem - so delicious. "...they are better for her praise." Sigh.

  23. Happy Friday! Thanks for hosting!
    I posted Mr. Darcy by Victoria Chang
    at my blog, Bildungsroman:

  24. Thanks for hosting today, Here's my Friday offering, with the events of Paris and here at home in mind:

  25. Thanks for hosting today, Tricia. I love your old school approach. Here's my link at DoriReads.

  26. Tricia, thanks for hosting Poetry Friday today. I am connecting my thoughts on November as you have done. Robert Frost's poem has helped me frame my ideas on my offering, "Last Dance". You can find my digitalized photo and connection to Cynthia Rylant's book, In November at

  27. Hi, Tricia-- thanks for hosting and for sharing one of my Frost favs! My post is seasonal too-- a Thanksgiving poem (with activities). Hope your Thanksgiving is lovely! I'm thankful for YOU and all the great work you do!

  28. Oops-- I forgot my link-- sorry:
    Thanks again,

  29. Thanks for hosting, Tricia! Frost captures the season with aplomb. Thanks for sharing his poem.
    Today I am sharing an original poem called "Without You...":
    Happy Friday!

  30. Hello Tricia,

    Appreciation for R. Frost at this season. Our forlorn fig tree, so productive into October, is
    "the bare, the withered tree"

    Inspired by TEACHING AUTHORS & their ThankU lesson,
    I have
    How to Find a ThankU (original Haiku) at Bookseedstudio

    It's a bizee weekend & then such a week ahead for everyone.
    I welcome visits anytime at Bookseedstudio for the borrowed ThankU lesson & links to Teaching Authors

    My thoughts are with you all & your families as we respond to portions of Our World's cataclysmic actions, against peace.

  31. Oh, this is so perfect. I am copying it and want to memorize. Thank you!

    Today at The Poem Farm, I have a story poem and a special sharing. This special sharing may be one of my favorite posts ever.

    xx, a.

    1. But of course I forgot it. Because I just do things like that. Sorry. Here it is -

  32. All kinds of late, but finally here. I'm in with a pair of Louis Untermeyer poems from 1917. I LOVE the poem you posted today. I love how he refers to "My Sorrow," as if she's a frequent visitor... I'm just all kinds of melancholy today...

  33. Late but I am HERE! Yay! Thinking about the world and catching up:

  34. By the way, your poem is perfect. These lines:
    "The love of bare November days
    Before the coming of the snow,

    I long for snow.

  35. Thanks for hosting, Tricia! I love all things Robert Frost -- thanks for that today. I'm in with a little Browning. It's here.

  36. Thanks for being the hostess! I love it when its you. :)
    Love Frost, but don't know this one seems less tight in style than most of what I think of when I think of Robert Frost. Love the "sodden pasture lane"

    I have a very late at night contribution....if you want to, feel free to pop it into the list for weekend reading.

    An original poem called An Apple Lesson.
