
Friday, October 21, 2016

Poetry Friday is Here Today!

**Apologies, folks. I set the schedule as I always do for 12:01. Apparently, this time around I hit PM instead of AM. I'm here and ready to go!**

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” (Anne of Green Gables, chapter 16).

Today I'm sharing Frost.

by Robert Frost

O hushed October morning mild,
Thy leaves have ripened to the fall;
Tomorrow’s wind, if it be wild,
Should waste them all.
The crows above the forest call;
Tomorrow they may form and go.
O hushed October morning mild,
Begin the hours of this day slow.
Make the day seem to us less brief.

Read the poem in its entirety.

I'm hosting Poetry Friday today, so please leave your links in the comments and I'll round you up old-school style. Happy Poetry Friday all!

Original Poetry
Matt Forrest of Radio, Rhythm, & Rhyme shares his book spine poemCrossroads Chiropractic.

Buffy Silverman of Buffy's Blog is sharing two recently published poems.

Ruth of There is no such thing as a Godforsaken town shares an original poem entitled Why I Can't Look Out the Window.

Kiesha of Whispers from the Ridge shares an original poem entitled Twilight October.

Keri of Keri Recommends shares her original poem for the DMC entitled Silent Guidance.

Violet Nesdoly shares an original poem entitled Just an ordinary walk.

April Halprin Wayland shares an original poem entitled AGENTS ~ in three part harmony.

Brenda Harsham of Friendly Fairy Tales shares two original poems for her mothers.

Elaine Magliaro of Wild Rose Reader shares an original poem entitled TRUMP: A Verse about the Worst EVER Presidential Nominee.

Diane Mayr of Random Noodling shares a number of haiga about her mother

Bridget Magee of wee words for wee ones shares a poem for her 50th birthday. Happy birthday Bridget!

Linda Mitchell of A Word Edgewise shares two haiga for fall.

Anastasia Suen started a new blog and today shares an original poem entitled Sunrise, Sunset.

Alan Wright of Poetry Pizzazz shares two poems in a form he's calling Flip Poems.

Tara of A Teaching Life shares an original poem entitled For My Son, Reading Harry Potter.

Amy Ludwig VanDerwater shares an original poem entitled October.

Kathryn Apel of Kat's Whiskers shares a bit about epigrams and a few poems to boot!

Margaret Simon of Reflections on the Teche shares student heart maps and an original poem.

Poems and Words of Others
Becky Shillington of Tapestry of Words shares Autumn Fires by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Carol Varsalona of Beyond Literacy Link shares Home Thoughts by Odell Shepard.

Kortney Garrison of One Deep Drawer shares The Salt by Ursula K. Le Guin.

Doraine Bennett of Dori Reads shares The Gift by Li-Young Lee.

Elaine Magliaro of Wild Rose Reader shares a collection of Halloween poems from an assortment of children's poets.

Karen Edmisten shares Spring and Fall by Gerard Manley Hopkins.

Little Willow of Bildungsroman shares A charm invests a face by Emily Dickinson.

Tabatha Yeatts of The Opposite of Indifference shares The Soul selects her own Society by Emily Dickinson and some other related poems.  DON'T MISS THE INVITATION TO JOIN THE WINTER POEM SWAP!

Diane Mayr of Kurious Kitty's Kurio Kabinet shares some quotes from Coleridge on poetry.

Interviews and Book Reviews/Excerpts
Michelle Heidenrich Barnes of Today's Little Ditty reveals the cover of her new publication, The Best of Today's Little Ditty 2014-2015, and shares an interview with the illustrator.

Laura Purdie Salas shares the poem Ambush from Jane Yolen's new book, THE ALLIGATOR'S SMILE AND OTHER POEMS.

Robyn Hood Black of Life on the Deckle Edge shares some poems from Charles Ghigna's new book STRANGE, UNUSUAL, GROSS & COOL ANIMALS.

Jama Rattigan of Jama's Alphabet Soup shares a review of NO FAIR! NO FAIR! AND OTHER JOLLY POEMS OF CHILDHOOD by Calvin Trillin and Roz Chast.

Irene Latham of Live Your Poem shares thoughts on cows and MOO by Sharon Creech.

Jane of Rain City Librarian shares MY VILLAGE: RHYMES FROM AROUND THE WORLD collected by Danielle Wright. 

Sylvia Vardell of Poetry for Children shares Janet Wong's interview with ARE YOU AN ECHO? author David Jacobson and translator Sally Ito.

On Teaching and Students
Heidi Mordhorst of my juicy little universe shares some book-inspired phenomena from her week in 2nd grade.

Jone MacCulloch of Check it Out shares the art and poetry of students in her school.


  1. Here's my post for today: Thanks for hosting!

  2. Hi Tricia! Such a perfect poem for this chilly October day here in Texas. We just had a front move through, and the weather is gorgeous. I wish I could be outside all day! Thanks for hosting the round-up today. Kiesha-

  3. It is finally cool in the South, so your quote & poem mean even more. Thanks for hosting & being human. I'm linking to my Mom poem for the DMC challenge at Keri Recommends.

  4. O hushed October... O beguiling Frost! Such a sensuous poem. Thanks for hosting, Tricia!

  5. Tricia, I love this poem by Robert Frost! Fall poetry is my favorite, and I am sharing one by Robert Louis Stevenson on my blog today, and am also sharing a few wonderful writers' resources. Thanks so much for hosting PF this week!!!

  6. Thanks for hosting, Tricia, and with a perfect Robert Frost poem for today! I'm in with a fun visit from Charles Ghigna, celebrating some new animal books:

  7. Thanks for hosting, Tricia! My post today is a poemified version of a recent walk.

    It's here:

    (And I hope you know how fabulous your poetry stretches are!)

  8. Tricia, I was going to feature the Robert Frost poem in my post today but I went a different route. I am glad to see it here for Poetry Friday readers. Interesting enough I just saw a leaf storm that refers right to these lines: Tomorrow’s wind, if it be wild,
    Should waste them all.
    Of course, since we don't have enough leaves changing here there is plenty to blow around.
    I am captivated by autumn so I write about that experience in my post today at Thanks for hosting PF today.

  9. Thanks for hosting on this hushed October morning mild (and for putting up my link before I had a chance to hop over!)

  10. Thanks so much for hosting, Tricia! I'm sharing the wonder of Ursula K Le Guin poems...

  11. Tricia! I've done the same thing...and more! TeachingAuthors are posting about AGENTS this round: To have one? To go it alone? My post is called Agents ~ Why--Why Not (in 3 part harmony):

  12. A perfect poem for this fall day. Thanks for hosting. I have a Li Young Li poem to pair with memories of my dad. Http://

  13. Thanks for doing the roundup, Tricia!

    At Wild Rose Reader, I've posted some of my elementary students' favorite Halloween poems by David McCord, Aileen Fisher, Lilian Moore, Karla Kuskin, and Valerie Worth.

  14. Sorry! I forgot the link to my post at Wild Rose Reader:

  15. more thing! As a native Californian, I'd NEVER seen fall post is also about my first time--this week--in Massachusetts--WOW. I love reading this Frost now that I've witnessed it, bathed in it. Thank you ~

  16. Thanks for hosting, Tricia. I love October in NE. It might be my favorite month. Until the first snow day. Or the day the daffodils bloom. Nature is glorious. Here are a couple original poems for Michelle and Kenn's Poem About Mom challenge.

  17. Thanks for hosting, Tricia! I always love Frost in the fall. :) I'm in with Gerard Manley Hopkins this week, and it's here.

  18. Lovely Frost poem. We're having a mild Oct here in MN, and it's just gorgeous...I'm in with Jane Yolen's "Ambush," from her ALLIGATOR'S SMILE, at Thanks for hosting!

  19. Love that Frost poem! Today I have a review of No Fair! No Fair! And Other Jolly Poems of Childhood by Calvin Trillin and Roz Chast:

    Thanks for hosting this week!

  20. Tricia,

    I have an original poem at Wild Rose Reader titled "TRUMP: A Verse about the Worst EVER Presidential Nominee.

  21. Yay for Anne of Green Gables. Yay for Robert Frost.

    I posted Emily Dickinson at my blog, Bildungsroman:

  22. Oh, good, Tricia--glad all is well!

    I'm sharing about a book-inspired phenomenon from my week in 2nd grade--also old-school style! I do love many new books, but there are so many classics I just can't give up.

  23. Hi Tricia -- I have done that am/pm thing before too! :) I've got a look at my history with cows & MOO by Sharon Creech.

    Also, Tabatha asked me to share her link, about Emily Dickinson and an invitation to Winter Poem Swap:

    Thank you for hosting and for your Frost-y October-y words. xo

  24. Oh Octobers - they're like jewel-toned rewards for making it through the hot and sticky summers!

    Here's my link for this week's linkup!

  25. Here's Diane Mayr's Random Noodling link: where she's gathered a few haiga about her mother.

  26. Thanks for hosting, Tricia, and for including my link. Love that Frost poem....although there are very few of his that I do not like!

  27. Thank you for hosting, Tricia! Oh how I wish Frost's poem reflected my October in the desert - we're still 90+ degrees and no "leaves releasing". Ugh. Today I have a poem "celebrating" my 50th birthday. Double Ugh.

  28. Thanks for hosting
    Hooray for Octobers
    We all ❤️ Fall today

  29. Thanks for hosting, Tricia! After our big move to the West Coast, I've started a new Poetry Friday blog:

  30. The reference in your poem to wild wind seems most appropriate in my part of the world at present. Thank you for hosting. My poetry this week is an experiment using a word number pattern to guide my writing.

  31. Thanks for sharing his October poem today. Frost's New Hampshire is looking particularly beguiling this week since our leaves have all ripened.

    I have some mother poems today at Random Noodling

    And Kurious Kitty has some quotes on the subject of poetry from Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  32. Finally!

    Thank you for taking the time to put the links old school.

  33. Thanks for hosting today! Here's a poem celebrating book love:

  34. "Make the day seem to us less brief..."
    Thank you for this, Tricia. Lost a friend this week, and this poem feels right today. I'll be copying it into my notebook.

    Today at The Poem Farm, I'm celebrating October too. Thank you for hosting. xo

  35. Thanks for hosting - and taking the time to do it old-style. I've posted about the epigram today; a quick how-to with examples.
    Readers can sign the autograph book with their sage words.

  36. Thanks for hosting. I'm a little late posting. I wrote about Georgia Heard's HeartMaps, shared students' and my own maps and writing.

  37. Hey, Tricia, I'm late to the party, but wanted to thank you for hosting and for sharing Frost's beautiful "October' poem. My post this week goes under your interview category. Here's the link: THANKS!
