
Monday, April 06, 2020

NPM 2020 - Back in Time

Sometimes my desire to travel is not to another place, but another time.  And honestly, who doesn't  wish to go back in time every so often?

Vroom Road, Spencerport, NY
Easter Sunday, 1968

that crabapple tree
grew as we did over time
though it never went out of fashion

I'd give anything
to go back in time
to race the dog to the barn
blow bubbles in the yard
recapture the home in my heart

Poem ©Tricia Stohr-Hunt, 2020. All rights reserved.

That's it for today. I hope you'll join me again tomorrow.


  1. Recapture the home in my heart....
    Poignant. And true. It's hard to go home, but always in our hearts, right? Janet Clare F.

  2. That coat dress is adorable... you were all so well dressed! I remember when our childhood tree seemed shorter - growing up seems to be gradual and so slow, until it's over...
