
Sunday, April 26, 2020

NPM 2020 - Roller Coasters

I love roller coasters. My son is often my partner in crime and will ride the craziest of coasters with me. Sometimes I get a bit nervous waiting for the ride, but once it's over, I'm ready to do it all again.
Fahrenheit roller coaster in Hershey Park, Hershey, PA
July, 2018

hold on to your hat
that first drop is a doozy
once is not enough

Poem ©Tricia Stohr-Hunt, 2020. All rights reserved.

That's it for today. I hope you'll join me again tomorrow.


  1. Oh, wow - I haven't attempted one in years, and certainly nothing that looks like that!!

  2. Woohoo! I like coasters--until my stomach starts getting queasy. Randy LOVES them. Maybe we'll get to try this one someday. Love the voice and enthusiasm in the middle line, esp.
