
Friday, June 02, 2023

Poetry Friday is Here!

Hello All! I'm so happy to be hosting Poetry Friday. 

I have spent the last few months preparing to move out of the building I have spent the last 29 years in on campus. It is my home away from home. There is much I will miss about it. The physical move of all our things occurred this week and still continues, as bookshelves are installed, and furniture moved in. I have been adrift for weeks, with no place to land, settling most days in the library before my classes meet in the late afternoon. We will be allowed to move in next week, and I can't wait. 

In seeing my new office, I am saddened that I have lost so much space to store my books. Out of necessity, I will need to let some go. While I will be able to pass them on to new teachers just starting out, it will hurt to part with them.

Thinking of moving had me reading Ralph Fletcher as I packed up. In Moving Day, Ralph gives readers a series of free verse poems in which 12-year-old Fletch describes his family's move from Massachusetts to Ohio. Here's one of my favorites from this collection.

Defrosting the Freezer

One container of spaghetti sauce
Grandma made before she died.

Two pieces of old wedding cake
you couldn't pay me to eat.

Three snowballs from last winter
slightly deformed, no longer fluffy.

Four small flounder from the time
Grandpa took me deep-sea fishing.

Everything coated with a thick
white layer of sadness. 
That thick layer of sadness has surely enveloped me. I did stop by my old digs one last time to say goodbye. My son grew up here, and when he came to campus, lived in the building connected to mine for 2 of his 4 years. It holds many precious memories.

I'll be rounding up posts through the day old-school style, so please leave your link in the comments, and I will add you to the post. Happy Poetry Friday, all!

Original Poetry
Laura Purdie Salas is sharing a poem entitled The Song of Sunshine.

Mary Lee Hahn of A(nother) year of Reading is sharing a sudoku poem entitled No Vacancy.

Heidi Mordhorst of my juicy little universe is celebrating pride and sharing a color poem entitled I Finally Choose a Favorite Color.

Linda Mitchell of A Word Edgewise is also sharing a color poem written to a lovely photo. 

Robyn Hood Black shares a proud grandparent moment and the poem You're the ONE! on the occasion of her grandson's first birthday.

Linda Baie of Teacher Dance shares a poem entitled The Bouncing Ball Keeps Bouncing.

Irene Latham of Live Your Poem shares an ArtSpeak: LIGHT poem entitled Meadow Song. She also shares an invitation to a moon poem party when she hosts Poetry Friday on June 30th.

Margaret Simon of Reflections on the Teche is also sharing a color poem that begins, "If you want to find red."

Michelle Kogan shares some Good morning haiku.

Carol Varsalona of Beyond Literacy Link remembers her uncle and pays to tribute to loved ones with her poem Life is a Journey.

At Poetry Pizzazz with Alan J. Wright, Alan shares a poem entitled Appliance Compliance.

Carol Labuzzetta of The Apples in My Orchards shares a found object poem entitled Debris.

Anastasia Suen is sharing an acrostic poem for June.

Patricia J. Franz marvels at the mountains in springtime and shares the poem snow flower: a haiku.

Sally Murphy is generously giving us a glimpse into her new verse novel, Queen Narelle.

Matt Forrest Esenwine shares news of his forthcoming book and a poem entitled The Eve of Maturity.

Jone Rush MacCulloch combines the prompt for the monthly Spiritual Thursday Journey with her thoughts and poems in a slide show of visual prayers.

Donna Smith of Mainely Write shares her poem The Ocean as a Canva movie.

Molly Hogan of Nix the Comfort Zone used Eileen Spinelli’s “If You Want to Find Golden” as a mentor for her color poem

Janice Scully of Salt City Verse shares two poems about Santa Cruz.

Amy Ludwig VanDerwater of The Poem Farm shares a poem entitled Possibility, which can be sung to the tune of "Dona Nobis Pacem." She's also featuring some fourth-grade guest poets.

Marcie Flinchum Atkins shares a haiku and photo.

Book Reviews and Book Lists
Jama Rattigan of Jama's Alphabet Soup shares a review of Champion Chompers, Super Stinkers and Other Poems by Extraordinary Animals by Linda Ashman and Aparna Varma.

Susan Thomsen of Chicken Spaghetti shares a list of poetry books for adults published or forthcoming this year.

Mandy Robek of Enjoy and Embrace Learning shares the anthology Things We Feel by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong.

On Writing
Lou Piccolo shares some thoughts about writing poetry to combat writer's block.

Poetry of Others
Ramona of Pleasures from the page rambles through the rhododendrons and shares lines from a Joy Harjo poem and Wendell Berry too.

Tabatha Yeatts of the Opposite of Indifference shares the poem "Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear" by Mosab Abu Toha.

Karen Edmisten shares the poem "New Moon Newton" by Oliver Baez Bendorf.


  1. Good morning, Tricia, and thanks for hosting amid all the mixed feelings that come with a move after so long--believe me, I know whereof you speak! Ralph's poem is simple and yet captures so much of what makes up "home," whether it's your sleep-home or your work-home. I hope it all goes smoothly. My post today is full of turquoise Pride!

  2. Hello! Thank you for hosting this week. I'm in with a color poem. I'm sorry about the office move. I'm getting rid of books's a tough thing to do.

  3. Wow, 29 years is a lot of memories! Sad to say goodbye, sad to part with beloved books, sending hugs your way during this transition. Wishing you good times in your new space. Thanks for the Fletcher poem and for hosting this week.

    At Alphabet Soup, I'm sharing a review of Linda Ashman's latest book, Champion Chompers, Super Stinkers and Other Poems by Extraordinary Animals:

  4. Oh, Tricia - sending warm thoughts and good vibes in your transition. Deep breaths. I understand that "thick layer of white sadness" too after moving in March. I love being closer to our kids and our home in the SC mountains, but I loved Beaufort dearly, too. (And our wee doggie died suddenly the day before I moved.)
    It is wonderful, though, being able to pop down to north Georgia and see the baby grand, who is turning one - my poem is for him today!
    Thanks so much for hosting. Hugs.

  5. Moving after so long in one building is hard! Ralph Fletcher's Moving Day is such a wonderful book. It was a mentor text to me for an as yet unpublished collection/story started many years ago! Sending hugs and good thoughts to you as you begin to settle into your new home away from home and make new memories!

    1. Laura, I've tried twice to submit a comment to you and the verification process says it's failing. Just an FYI. Carol at The Apples in My Orchard

  6. I'm sure you are even hearing the walls talking, Tricia, as you say your goodbye. My school moved into new buildings at one time. That last class I had and I wrote about our time there on the blackboard, yes, it was that old & due to be torn down. I'm sorry for your sadness, hoping it will turn into goodness in the move. Thanks for this poignant poem by Fletcher. I'm in a similar mood writing today, lamenting how time goes so quickly, about kids growing up - fast! Thanks for hosting! My link:

  7. I feel the tug from old to new, past to present. That poem by Ralph hits me hard this morning as I face the demise of my mother and yet another move of her to memory care. Moves are painful. Allow yourself to grieve.
    I am joining the Inkling challenge with a poem about red flowers.

  8. Tricia, I so understand the "adrift" feelings! When we downsized a few years ago, I had to let of two thousand books! Now we live in a community where I serve as volunteer librarian, so I kinda got my library back. :) I bet things like that will happen for you, too! And Ralph's poem is so real to me, having moved many times as a child. Tough. I've got a "Meadow Song" for ArtSpeak: LIGHT and a Moon PF Roundup invitation! Thank you for hosting! xo

  9. I feel your pain. We moved last year 20 minutes from our home of 25 years to be nearer the grands and now we're following them across country, from the PNW to NC. I'm in today with a ramble through the rhododendrons with lines from a Joy Harjo poem and Wendell Berry too.

  10. Such a timely post you are sharing Tricia—I just moved my almost 90 year old mom last week, and she is still in the process of parting with many things as she settles into her smaller space. Such a poignant ending line in Fletcher's poem,
    "Everything coated with a thick/white layer of sadness." Wishing you all the best as you make this change and settle into your new space. Thanks for hosting!
    I'm sharing a series of Good morning Haikus to my June garden, here's the link:

  11. Hi Tricia. What a nostalgic time. I identify with the sadness of saying goodbye, but also the excitement of things still to discover. I poem from MOVING DAY is very poignant. I haven't read the book, but am putting it on my list of books I must read. As for the saying goodbye of books, that's something I'd have a lot of trouble with too. There's nothing quite as precious as a loved book.
    Thank you for hosting this Friday. I'm sharing a post about how changing the form of storytelling can sometimes unblock ideas.

  12. Hi, Tricia. Love that Ralph Fletcher poem. And all best wishes with the move. Thank you so much for rounding up. I have a post with lists of poetry books (for adults) published/to be published this year.

  13. Tricia, it is always sad to pack up belongings. I boxed many books that I promised I would read when we moved to Virginia from Long Island. Now, they stand unattended and asking me to read them. You chose a great Fletcher poem to honor your move. I can see that poem as a mentor text. Best of luck to you. My post is a combination of Spiritual Journey Thursday and a Poetry Friday combination that speaks of faith and family in a special remembrance with additional original poems.

  14. Thank you for hosting us, Tricia. Sending a hug...I can taste that bittersweet feeling of loss and change. My post for today:

  15. Tricia, your post is a salient reminder that change is a constant is our lives. Sometimes it is abrupt and unexpected and sometimes it approaches with something akin to stealth. You have both the physical memories to store and distribute and the emotional memories to consider as you bed them down in your heart. Best wishes for the new memories that will surely come with your move. Enjoyed Ralph's poem too. My first post in some weeks concerns itself with the sparking of a poetic idea that owes it origins to an Instruction manual of all things...

  16. "...a thick white layer of sadness." Oh, my goodness. How perfect. So many feelings wrapped up in a move! We moved so much when I was a kid, and I've moved a number of times as an adult, too. I remember, in my twenties, when a therapist told me that moving was on the list of top life stresses. I thought, "Ah, that explains so much." :) Thanks for sharing this bittersweetness with us today. Of the poem I'm sharing today, the poet said, "This poem is a surrender to change, to a fresh start, to trust in the benevolent forces not only celestial but also earthly, such as friends and strangers, that have moved me into a brighter, kinder phase of life.” Here's wishing you a bright and kind phase of life. My link is here.

  17. I love Ralph Fletcher! It is so hard to move and have to give away beloved things. We did this last year - downsized to live at our cabin when we sold our rambling ranch. In hindsight, it made me prioritize "things" I had held onto. We must have given away over 500 books - but they fed our new community center and several classrooms at an elementary school. Good luck in the new space and thanks for hosting! ~ Carol Labuzzetta, The Apples in My Orchard~

  18. So many memories, Tricia - and your son is grown now too - that's a lot of big changes for you this year! (Hugs!) I'm sharing a June acrostic about my memories of camping out under the summer stars as a child sharing secrets:

  19. The poem places the perfect emphasis on our hesitation to let go. The power of place lives deep within us, doesn't it. Thank you for hosting Tricia. I hope the new office brings new joy.

  20. Thanks for hosting Tricia, and for sharing your thoughts on moving, and moving on. I love the poignancy of your thoughts, and of Ralph Fletcher too. This week I'm sharing a bit of a beginning - an extract from my new verse novel, out next week.

  21. Knowing how long you've worked and put your own stamp on the place, I can just feel the wrench as you remove evidence of yourself from the building to give space for someone else's layer to build up over time. May the new space offer it's own gifts and compensations.

  22. Thanks for hosting, Tricia! Boy, that 'thick white layer of sadness' really packs a punch. Ralph was recently at our school doing a day-long series of presentations with the kids! Today, I offer some less-cheerful-than-I'd-intended graduation sentiment:

  23. Moving and hosting. Those are some mad skills, Trisha! My post is a combo of Spiritual Thursday Journey and Poetry Friday.

    1. How about a link:


    3. Sorry Jone! I'm not sure what happened with the link to your post. It has been updated.

  24. Ah, moving. I have been in a state of flux, moving for a year. I hope to be moved in totally soon.
    Here's my link for today:

  25. Moving bundles up a whole bunch of emotions! Ralph Fletcher's poem and that "white layer of sadness" capture so much. Thanks so much for hosting amidst your whirlwind! I hope the transition to your new space goes smoothly. Here's to creating new memories in a new space! And here's my link:

  26. Oh, Tricia...I so understand this feeling. When we moved from our first home, I felt like I was leaving behind the ghosts of our young children...and in a way, I still feel this way as well as feeling that I live with the ghosts folks have abandoned in our now 1810 home. I love Ralph's poem and wish you the old song to be true, "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, and the other gold."

    Over at The Poem Farm, I have a small poem one can sing to the tune of "Dona Nobis Pacem" and some wonderful fourth grade poet guests.

    Thank you for hosting. xo, Amy

  27. Thanks again for hosting! Mandy Robek can't get Blogger to let her comment, so this is her post. In May, she did a fabulous month-long series for Mental Wellness on bibliotherapy. In this post, she shares Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong's book THINGS WE FEEL.

    1. Got it! Thanks for letting me know. A few folks had trouble posting. I'm not sure why.

  28. Best of luck on your move! Sorry, I'm late to the party. I wasn't able to post yesterday.
